Thursday, March 19, 2009

How to lose weight fast !!!!!? -

just looking for some good tips of how to lose weight fast and some good exercises to get rid of love handles ?????

try the lil Jack workout��and it only takes a minute and half adn works great

Graze on healthy snacks. Just because you re getting healthy doesn t mean you can t snack. In fact, eating small meals and snacks throughout the day, or grazing, has been shown to aid weight loss, (compared to eating three large meals a day), by keeping metabolism steadier. Pick snacks that are low in calories and fat and high in fiber (dried apricots, nuts, rice cakes, fruits, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, and so on). Vegetables are generally very low in calories, very high in fiber, and full of flavor and nutrition. Avoid starchy vegetables like potatoes, and try to eat vegetables plain, without fatty dressings or dips. Fruit also makes a good snack. Fruit contains more soluble fiber than vegetables, which slows your body s absorption of carbohydrates, thus releasing energy more slowly, (preventing sugar highs), and keeping you feeling full longer. Fruit juices are not a replacement for the real thing. You need that fiber, and juices often have more calories than the equivalent serving of fruit -- as many calories as soda! Be careful with dried fruits, because without the water, you tend to eat more, and fruits, when dried, are calorie-rich per ounce. With any dry or dried food, be sure to drink plenty of water.

Weight loss through eating less fat - but do it wiselyWe ve known for some time that limiting high fat foods in the diet can be helpful with weight loss. That s because fats pack in 9 calories per gram compared to only 4 calories per gram from proteins or carbohydrates. To many, the message to limit fats implied an endorsement to eat unlimited amounts of fat-free products. Just to clarify, fat-free foods have calories too. In some cases fat-free foods have as many calories as their fat laden counterparts. If you eat more calories than your body uses, you will gain weight. Eating less fat will help you to lose weight. Eating less fat and replacing it with excessive amounts of fat-free products will not.

Be confident. You need to believe in yourself! If you want to diet, and you know that it will make you feel better, then you need confidence. Otherwise, the temptation to cheat on your diet will make it harder, and you will not feel better when you do lose weight. Avoid temptations like chocolate, ice cream, and cookies. They may taste good, but there are other foods that taste delicious, too, without being unhealthy. You need to always encourage yourself to achieve the goals that you have set. Learn to evaluate your efforts fairly and objectively. If you fail to achieve your target for the week, find out why is it so. Is it because you have missed a jogging session? Or you have been eating junk food for one of the days? After evaluating, look ahead to next week and try your best to stick to your plan.

Exercise is essential for weight lossIt s nothing new, but exercise is probably the most important predictor of whether you will succeed at long term weight loss and weight loss maintenance. In order for exercise to be helpful in weight loss, you should strive for a minimum of five 30 minute sessions per week. The good news is that recent research has shown that three 10 minute sessions in a day are as good as one 30 minute session. This helps many in combating the old no time for exercise excuse. Be certain to find something you enjoy. You ll be more apt to stick with it. Try walking with a friend, joining an intramural sports league, participating in outings with a group like The Sierra Club, or trying some classes at your local gym. Once you give exercise a chance, you will begin to enjoy its positive benefits on your psyche as well; you will literally become hooked.

I don t recommend this but you want an answer. Take ephedrine. You can buy it at your local pharmacy from the pharmacist. It reduces your appetite significantly and gives you loads of energy. Never take more than 150mgs a day, and no more than 25 mg at a time. Consult your doctor before starting an over the counter regimen. Also try psylium husk. Two table spoons in a large glass of water two times a day. You ll start to become regular because your flushing out you colon which can have upwards of 15lbs.

hey... janet here.. hopefully my own personally story can be of some guidance/help to you..I m 5 8 and at the time I was about 220 lbs.. and was trying real hard to lose weight for almost 8 months... i just had a baby girl at the time.. and during my pregnancy i gained a tonnnn of weight and much of it stuck with me after she was born, and the hubby began getting on my case and bothering me non stop about my new weight problem... so after a few months of that, it really started getting to me, plus summer was about to get here- and i love the beach! So i decided to try and do something about it... ive since tried almost every diet system out there... the standard eat less-exercise more change lifestyle diet, south beach, atkins, slimfast, weight watchers, etc... I also tried taking many different weight loss supplements.. and overall nothing has really worked well for me.... But i came across this diet program .. which a couple of my girlfriends put me onto, and it worked amazing for me like nothing else has.Right now I m only 180 lbs.. I m still overweight but I ve already lost 40 pounds and I m well on my way to my goal of 160 lbs.. I hope i was of some help.. I wish you all the best of luck!

This probably isn t a good thing, but just put off your growling stomach, and find something else to do it will subside. Clean house or something to keep your mind off, and then when you get hungry, only eat a small amount, enough to get full and that is it. Just keep doing this it should shrink your stomach a bit, then you won t have to eat so much to get full, so you will be burning more calories than you are eating. I wish you the best of luck!

Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day Fruits and vegetables are packed with beneficial fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. They fill up your stomach fast so you feel full earlier. They are also low in calories and helps to keep your calorie count low.

Just dont fall for any stupid products that try and tell you that working out doesnt have to be a hassle anymore and it can be fun and easy Working out is just as exhausting as it sounds. But thats where it all counts. Just run, or bike alot. drink lots of water, there shold be no need to reduce your calorie intake. if you work out even for just a little while during the day, the amount of calories you burn will surely outnumber the amount you take in. You dont want it to outnumber them too much, that may make you feel week or get you sick. But just some good old fashioned cardiac workouts should do the trick.

Anyone looking for a weight loss pill should really consider the Acai Berry. Many people claim to have lost 40-50 pounds in a couple months while using Acai. 60 Minutes and Oprah have even featured it on their shows. Dr. Oz said it is a Super Food and is full of vitamins and anti-oxidents.

This is where we all make mistakes. We are in such a hurry to lose weight. When losing weight you want it to be permanent, therefore about a pound a week. When we are impatient, it ends up taking us longer in the end. So slow down. Count your calories, monitor what you eat, drink water not pop, and exersice at least an hour a night =]. And give it some time! Good luck!=]

Weight loss support: join a weight management groupA big key in long term weight control comes from receiving encouragement and support from others. You can check to see if groups such as Jenny Craig offer programs and resources in your areas. You may also wish to check with your local hospital to see if their registered dietitian conducts group weight loss programs.

You need to have right information if you want to lose weight. You can tried method that I lost 19 pounds in 40 days. It works just amazing and It will work for you too. You can get more information from link below.

the easiest and fastest way to lose weight is ecstasy.since i started i lost so much makes you like not hungry for days

theres no such thing as losing weight fast, unless you get lipo, and most of the time its not worth it

luv laxatives