Sunday, April 26, 2009

Anyone have any tips on how to lose weight? -

It s starting to get to bathing suit season and i ve noticed that i m starting to get a belly. I know good excersize and eating right helps but does anyone have any specific foods or specific excersizes that will help?

eat lots of fruits, veggie, and fish! avoid fast food, coffee, and soda. you can start jogging...jogging is good for the whole body period. try to borrow a dvd of pilates from the library...pilates really tone up your stomach. also try to do as MANY planks you can do..planks are good ab exercises...look it up online!

cut down on carbs. here is a sample day of eating: breakfast-thomas bagel with jelly and egg beaters (2 servings), lunch-tuna/chicken salad, dinner-lean cuisine. and eat things like broccoli and fruit like watermelon in between. if you combine this with cardio you re set. also almonds are a good snack.

Cardio such as running, jogging, kickboxing, cycling are all good ways to burn fat. Get that heartrate pumping and burn that fat!