Sunday, April 26, 2009

Do someone could give me a really good advise how to lose weight.? -

It s all about discipline. Eat moderately and try to add vegetables and fruit into your diet. You don t have to deprive yourself of sweets, but make sure you re not over indulging. Aerobics is good for burning fat, but if you want to be toned you need to add in weighlifting as well. This will keep your body from just being skin and bones. If you want to be toned, use less weight and more reps. If you want to gain more muscle, use more weight and less reps. It s all in your mind. If you want it, don t let anything get in the way. Discipline! Good luck!

yes marry me ... you will loose weight and temper


first thing you have to do is look in the mirror and say, I am ready to do this. Next, go to your doctor and discuss options and make sure your okay to begin a diet and exercise regimine. Then, get lots of support. From friends, family, etc. Also, a workout buddy is a must. If you have someone depending on you to meet at the gym, you will be more likely to go. I am on a diet currently, and what I have chosen is low fat, low Cal. I have a food journal that I write down everything that I eat, so I can keep track of Cals and Fat and Carbs. I also, do Cardio 3-4 times a week and strength training 3 times a week. Drink lots of water, it will keep the cravings at bay. If it is an option for you, you could go to it is a great website that alreadyplans out your meals and even gives you a weekly grocery list. It costs about 20 a month. Good Luck, and remember to lose no more than 2-3 pds per week, as this is a healthy number and will be more likely to stay off for good.

The answer is exercise and dieting with doctor consent. Whatever you do don t go for the don t eat anything scenario cause the second you come off it, if you last that long, you eat twice as much, and it also deplete nutrition of your body making it is easier to get cold, flu etc.

Well the first and the foremost thing is to exersixe and eat healthy foods. Well iam a fitness trainer if u need any type of consultation contact me on

eat less calories and spend more by exercising if your intake of calories is less then your burning of calories then you will loose weight secondly eat in small quantity streched over to five times avoid over eating.

u should walk sososososo fast each day 1 kilometer.

Yes the traditional answer is eat right and exercise. By eating right, eat only when you are hungry, the biggest mistake is taking want for hunger. You don t have to cut out red meat or carbs either, just when you make meals make more of the lower fat foods and less of the ones that are higher. Your biggest meal of the day should be your breakfast, cottage cheese with fruit and almonds is quite good and keeps you full. Or if you like cereal, try Basic 4. In between meals eat almonds or mixed nuts, go for the salted instead of honey roasted. Protein gets and keeps you full longer. Some protein bars are actually good, so instead of your favorite candy bar, try one of the protein bars.Exercise is that hardest to fit in, so do step by step. When going out anyway, park in the back of the parking lot instead of trying to find the closest spot. Since it is summer, take advantage of it, go outside. If you have a dog, take the dog on a walk everyday, benefitial for both of you.(huskies like to run, they could really help you get in shape)Instead of using the dishwasher, wash, dry, and put them away, this will burn calories. Play music while you do it, then you may even dance a little.Okay, hope this helps with your quest.Charlene