Thursday, April 23, 2009

How to lose weight what kind of cardio is good for endurance and ffatr burning? -

Wtf, that JAMES guy doesnt know what hes talking about? Cardio is a great for losing weight. speed walking, stationary bike, jumping jacks etc.

there is no good kind of cardio, all cardio is bad. The way to loose weight is to strengthen your musclesDo situps until you are red in teh head to put it one way. your body works out resistance and if you want to loose weight you have to do hard exercises with little reps

Be realistic. Don t expect a miracle. Healthy weight loss can be achieved fairly quickly, but you ll need to be patient. In addition, be sure to set realistic goals. Make sure that the weight you re trying to reach is a healthy weight for you, and keeping in mind that gaining pounds of muscle will help you lose fat, be trimmer, and look better even though you don t actually lose any weight. Your goal should be a healthy body, not a number of pounds! Everyone looks good at a different weight. A short person may look really good at about 112 pounds, but a person of a taller height would just look unhealthy. Keep yourself at a weight that makes you look good, not at a number that sounds good.

Perform high-level aerobic activities. Moderate aerobic workouts incorporating jogging, brisk walking, cycling, aerobic machines, or classes not only burn calories -- they also keep your heart healthy. Swimming is also great, especially if you are quite overweight or have joint problems, because you can get the same benefits of running -- typically burning even more calories -- with much less stress on your joints. Try to get at least 30-40 minutes of aerobic exercise at least three or four days per week.