Thursday, April 16, 2009

How to lose weight? -

i have being dieting since i had my baby 2 years ago.i did crash diets and lost weight and then gain it back after starting eating regulary.i dont know how to motivate myself to exercise more.i work full-time and dont have time to go to the gym.are there any tricks?please help.

well maybe it s you you might have eating habits too may be you may not notices it but you might be watching t v and see some thing you wood like to try and it s just high of calories and then you buy it and say well i just try it just ones and it wood not hurt and it doses! you have to write down what you are feeling for that day and what you eat and at the end of the week and check your weight at the same time you check it and read what you wrote down and you just had a baby it might not even be your body adjusting too and see a doctor you may have depression even if you don t feel like you do your body may feel it not your brain and check your ideal weight like for your age and height and and try soy and fiber vitamin B-12 just change your hole eating habits start fresh for the hole week and keep eating at the some time don t skip meals you body stores fat so if you do don t catch up just have some thing light like a salad and you may be hungry and try to put a lot of dressing and stuff but don t just keep it simple only when you miss meals but you can put stuff on it when you want to eat it and cut out stuff on a magazine like what you want to look like and be real about it and when you exercise give your self some thing like a reward go buy your self some thing like clothes or go look in the mirror and tell your self you love who you are and that you love your family and if you can t do that then it your self-esteem and that you might be eating because it s comfort food so write stuff that bothring you ya and good luck peace out!

Eat smaller portions of food along with your exercise and drinking water.

WEIGHT WATCHERS. Join their thing (you don t have to go to the meatings) they will give you a notebook thing that has lots of diet helpers, point calculators, food companion (shows how much certain foods points are) and a dining out companion (same thing but for restraunts) I might be only 18 but I lost 20 pounds on it (and by the way on weightwathcers exercise is optional)

Somersize worked for me the best

you can lose 8 lbs. off the top of yer neck instantly with a guillotine! :)

Get off the couch and stop eatin twinkies!!! Theyre not ur friends if they make u fat!!

Crash diets wont work, most advertised weight loss plans won t work. They even state Not typical results . Get a gym partner, that way you both push each other to get to the gym. Eat smaller portions more often, about every 2 hours.

I go to school full time, so I feel the same way you do. I have to force myself to go to the gym, and it sucks, but I do it because I told myself I wanted to lose the weight. I have this stupid cycle where I exercise and eat healthfully, and then I just stop exercising, and eat whatever I want! Each stage lasts about two weeks. As you can imagine, I have not lost one single pound! You don t want to be like me, do you!?!? lol Just make time for the gym, you will love yourself for it!

I have been trying to lose the baby weight I gained with my two children (2 and 8 months) and the best thing ive found was just cutting out on sodas and sweets, watching the portion sizes you take on your plate, and using the Billy Blanks workout DVDs. Try using a smaller plate when you eat so you feel like youre getting more food than you are! Its working for me! Good Luck! And remember, you didnt put it on in a day, so its not gonna come off in a day either!