Friday, April 17, 2009

How to lose weight? -

I am a 16 year old boy that is on the chunky side. When I try to eat healthy exercise, I uselly give up eat junk food. Any good ideas on how I can build modivation stay on some kind of a diet and lose weight?

As a 16 year old myself, I understand how hard it is to be on the overweight side in my teens. It sucks.But, I do have a few suggestions for you. One, is walk. It works, it helps build up stength, and its easy. Try walking a mile two times a week and then maybe get into jogging.Find a veggie you really enjoy. Search as hard as you can, Im sure you can find one. Snack on that.Also, swim. If you like swimming, I suggest you find a pool and swim as much as you can. Makes you move and get exercise. Its certainly better than nothing.Other than that, get sleep, eat well (Less than 3 large snacks a day, maybe?) And get outside!There is nothing wrong with being overwieght as long as your trying to help solve the problem you might have :DHope I helped.

Why do so many of us fail or give up our efforts to lose weight? The reason is that we pay too little attention to our emotions and what drive us to eat unnecessarily. If you are able to get a grip on these emotions, you have a better chance of success and losing weight and keeping it off. Get the motivation checklist here;

A good way to loose weight is to use a calorie counter watchKeep to a 1,200 food intakeAdd 1,200 plus 3,500 (equals one pound of fat) ...and that is the total amount of calories you need to burn each day. Its actually really easy once you start watching the numbers and it doesn t seem like work or exercise. Its just a matter of changing the way you think about loosing weight.I use this method when i gain some pounds. The first time I did this I went from 168 to 127

Get pictures of how you want your body to look and tape them up around your mirror. Write your goals down on paper and read them every day. Listen to your favorite music when you exercise. Visualize in your mind how you want your body to look. Get Lean with the Magnetic Diet Seven Step PlanCombined with strength conditioning, energization exercises, pranayama life force control and meditation the magnetic diet seven step plan will when followed guarantee that you achieve a low level of body fat in a predetermined period of time. Ultimate leanness is defined as single digit body fat percentages for men and low teen body fat percentages for women. This is the level of body fat necessary if you want to be able to actually see the definition of your abdominal muscles. The magnet diet in combination with the right amount of physical activity will create the necessary calorie deficit to achieve ultimate leanness. The time it takes for you to achieve that will of course depend on how much fat you have to lose.For example, if you currently weigh 200 pounds and are at 23% body fat and your goal is to be at 9% body fat you have about 25 pounds of fat to loose. To loose 25 pounds of fat while maintaining or even gaining muscle should take you approximately 6 to 7 months. You can lose 25 pounds in a much quicker time frame, but will it be 25 pounds of fat? No it will not, remember when you lose weight too quickly much of the weight lost can end up being muscle. And as we learned earlier if you lose muscle you will create the condition for a boomerang weight gain of fat down the road. Now 6 to 7 months may sound like a long time but in reality its not. In our society we want everything quick and easy, but the truth is that nothing worth having comes quick or easy. 6 to 7 months of your life will pass by no matter what you do, you cannot stop time. But by following the magnetic diet seven step success plan the difference will be that 6 to 7 months from the time you start you will have achieved your goal, you will have attained your desired body fat percentage, you will look great and most important of all you will have achieved a very high level of health and vitality. Remember the goal is to lose fat and maintain or even gain muscle so losing the fat slowly is the way. Here is the plan:Step 1. Determine your current body fat percentageGet your body fat measured by a personal trainer or health professional, or purchase Tanita body composition monitor or other similar device.Step 2. Decide on a goal body fat percentage:What��s it going to be 15%, 10%, 5%? They are all achievable, you just have to decide. Once you have decided then calculate the amount of fat that you will have to lose. Take you current body fat percentage minus the goal body fat percentage and convert that to a decimal value add 1 and divide your current weight by that amount. The difference between the result and your current weight is the number of pounds of fat you need to lose. For example a 200 pound person at a 23% body fat who wants to achieve a 9% body fat would do the following: 23 percent minus 9 percent = 14 percent14 percent = .14 .14 +1 = 1.14200 pounds divided by 1.14 = 175 pounds200 �C 175 = 25 pounds of fat to loseStep 3.Determine your current resting metabolic rateDetermine your current resting metabolic rate using the formulas on page 112.Step 4.Determine your maximum daily caloric intakeRemember you want to create a calorie per day deficit so maximum daily caloric intake is equal to your resting metabolic rate plus any additional physical activity as measured in calories minus 500 calories.Use this as a tool:��Step 5.Adjust the diet using portion sizes and snacksAdjust the portion sizes slightly in the main meals or add or subtract snack portions to get to the maximum daily caloric intake.Step 6 Determine the length of time to achieve your goal The amount of fat you need to lose divided by a pound a week = the number of weeks it will take to achieve your goal.Step 7Follow the Magnetic Diet Seven Day Success Plan Not only will it result in your achieving your goal but it will ensure life long health and vitality. Adjust your caloric intake and activity level as your weight drops. Remember as your body weight drops so do your caloric needs. You must reduce your caloric intake or you will reach a plateau.More info online - Read the book free of charge at:

throw away your junk food, and start over, and run like you ve never before, then yeah.

reduce ur calories to 1200 and exercise five days a week

So you ve decided that you re going to do it.Millions have tried before you and most of them have failed miserably at reaching their weight loss and diet goals.Many people just go and hope on a diet or weight loss program without knowing exactly where they are from the start.Without knowing where you started, you won t be able to accurately gauge your progress. Not being able too see that progress put you at an extremely high risk. A holistic expert explains the key to keeping the pounds off permanently Without affecting your health.Read some Experts selected Articals for useful information.Checkout this link.

The first key is to stop stressing so much over it. When you stress about your weight, it makes you eat more (especially since you are alreading thinking about food and weight). Studies have proven that if you want to burn fat, believe it or not, the best exercise is to do 2 x 20 minute walks per day (and not fast ones either, if you walk too fast you stop burning fat). I was going to the gym 3 hours a day going full on, and it did nothing. When I started doing the walks it fell off. Fill up on good food (which makes you feel more satisfied - and you don t need to resort to junk), lots of veges, and some fruit everyday as well as healthy cereals, (not coco pops: think museli, granola etc), 2 pieces of bread per day (multigrain or oat bread - white bread won t keep you feeling full). People who eat dairy products are slimmer than those who don t (i don t mean ice cream: eat natural yogurt, drink milk and have low fat cheese). Stop eating crisps, fries, burgers, chocolate, butter, lollies, pop, and too much juice. Drink 8-12 glasses of water a day. (Think of how many calories there are in flavoued drinks - and u need to drink more to feel satisfied, so keep up the h2o and try herbal tea for a flavoured drink). Don t beat yourself up if you have a bad day, just get back on the wagon. Don t set unrealistic goals like I m gonna exercise 2 hours everyday etc. Think I ll exercise 30mins 3 days a week minimum . Portion control is also a key. Never eat until you are full. Eat until you are 70% full. To stay motivated just think this is for my health and future and boy does it make me feel good , but moderation is the key. Don t try to go too extreme on anything - it s easy to stick to that way. Good luck.

My field is in fashion, as a result many people ask me how they can slim down. My answer is always the same: good diet and exercise. But I found this great product which I think helps a lot in the process. I recommend you check this website , they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!