Sunday, May 17, 2009

How to lose weight off beer belly and man boobs in 2 months? -

Stop drinking, cut down on your fat and sugar intake and go swimming every day for half an hour.

dont drink and exercise

cut out all the beer to satrt with then eat really well and do half an hour of exercise each day for as long as it takes, that way the pounds will come off, but you have to keep at it or it wont work.

lol, man boobs, that always makes me laugh.

run for 30 minutes every day

Read The ABS Diet by David Zinczenko. It s an easy read and an excellent plan. It incorporates an easy fitness plan into it also.Stop drinking beer. Alcohol slows down your metabolism and makes any diet plan ineffective.

Depending on your body type metabolism, you will have varying degrees of success here.For sure, cut down on fat intake and increase your cardio. You will lose some body fat, but you can not change your body type.Work on bulking up and firming chest, back and shoulder muscles to compensate for the roundiness of man-boobs. Do ab-crunches and obliques like crazy. This routine will definitley give you a more manly build and posture, but the man-boobs and belly fat are sometimes resistant to training.Gynecomastia (aka man-boobs) is like baldness. Some guys have it, others don t. It has nothing to do with hormones, gender abnormailty or fat intake. So, some bald guys go for hair-replacement, some booby guys go for lipo. Personally, I think man-boobs can look actually sexy on some guys. It s really all about attitude!2 months? Yes, you can make alot of progress in that time, but you must be dedicated and have a realistic and honest attitude. To paraphrase a Canadian health club chain be yourself, only better!

Two months is not a long time to make major changes, but most of the advice above is sound.If you re willing to spend a couple of bob, you might try BFFM (Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle) - works for me. I was in a similar position and within six months I was no longer embarrassed on the beach ;-) and two years later I m still doing it because I enjoy it, not because I ought to or should or must do it.Don t be put off by the images of super-built body builders - if you want to go down that route it s possible - for anyone - but it s a LOT of hard work!

walk 3 times a week for hour or get a dog eat 3 healthy meals a day drink plenty of water

The intake of alcohol to a high level does feminise the extreme cases of alcohol abuse, the growth of breasts is not just fat it is indeed the growth of the female breast. Keep off the booze!

exercise you domb fool

run for half an hour everyday