Saturday, May 16, 2009

How to lose weight :(? -

im really desperate to loose weight :( like my self esteem is like -350 :( im 13 5 4-5 5 and 132 pounds im assuming i d be lighter in the morning right ? but please help i really need to lose stomach fat :( i feel so sad. when i eat i feel awful. like i shouldn t be eating i know starving yourself doesn t work .. thank you to everyone who commented god bless 3

Eat around 1200 to 1500 calories a day. Stop buying junk food, if its not in the home you can t eat it. Trust me this works, whenever I go with my dad to go grocery shopping I buy some foods I like but I tend to finish the food pretty quickly which wrecks my diet. If you still want to have junk food, try making it healthier junk food such as;-Low fat frozen yogurt instead of full fat ice cream.-80 calorie candy bars instead of those 200 to 400 candy bars.-Water in place of soda/pop, don t go for diet soda/pop because its very bad for you.-Cereal bars instead of candy bars.-Baked chips instead or regular chips.-Mini cakes(those around 100 calories) instead of a regular piece of cake.This way you won t feel to deprived. Since you get those hunger urges, distract your self or drink water. Trust me the drinking water totally works. I drank like 2 to 4 cups of water and I didn t even get those hunger noises for like 4 to 5 hours. It kept me full. Or eat vegetables or fruits, most of them are very low calorie and can keep you full. Don t go for a low fat diet because its not actually fat that makes you gain weight, its actually eating more calories than your body can burn. Walk every day for 30 minutes to an hour daily. Go for a walk with your friends. Walking and talking is a good way to get some exercise.

you re weight seems healthy and average to me. i m 14 and 84 pounds and I wish I could gain some weight. it s really not healthy being under weight and it takes away from your beauty and stuff because your face will just look disgusting like no cheeks idk how to describe it but it just doesnt look healthy. when you re under weight if you re a girl, you ll be like flat chested. your jeans wont fit on your butt and you ll aways have to wear a belt. i buy double 00 s extreme skinny jeans from pacsun and have to always dry them in the dryer before i wear them.

well im trying to loss weight im the same height im 13 145 lbs yea don t starve your self it makes it worst eat little meals a day 4 meals not that big do about 5 sets of 10 of sit ups and jog for 30 minutes

please do kapalbhati pranayam as advised by baba Ramdev in Aastha channel for 10 minutes daily

im your same height and weigh more than you!