Saturday, May 16, 2009

Male exercise, how to lose weight, and build muscle.? -

I am 18 years old, 6 0, and weigh 180. I m not fat, but I do have extra fat on me that I would like gone. I have a ab lounge, (haven t used yet) and I want to get a set of 25 pound dun bells, and a iron gym. I also have a treadmill. My question is, what do I have to do to get rid of the extra fat, and get ab s. And how much of each thing should I being doing per week.

Well the two types of exercises that have shown to maximize fat burning are:A: Moderate to High intensity Weight-liftingB: High Intensity Interval Training cardioFor the weightlifting, what you are describing will only do so much for you. Your body grows accustomed to the same type of exercises (especially bodyweight ones). If possible I would recommend a gym membership or utilizing your school s facility if possible.For the Cardio, HIIT is a routine involving a short period of high intensity cardio followed by a slightly longer rest/low period. Try, on your treadmill, sprinting for one-minute and then walking/jogging for one-two minutes, based on your fitness level. Repeat. Start out slow, as in doing 4-5 cycles and then eventually bump it up to 10+. Research shows that despite low-moderate intensity cardio burning more calories WHILE exercising, the high-intensity burns not only more fat stores, but increases your metabolism far longer and higher following the workout. Some studies have found that utilizing both weightlifting and high-intensity cardio increases metabolic rates for 48 hours.

if your a bit big around the stomach then you will have to burn off the calories before training on the abs. i would suggest jogging for about 30mins slowly increasing the time until you can jog a few miles per day. This will burn off all the fat if you stick with it even after you lose the fat you sure wont put it back on. it is the quickest and cheapest way which works. Also because your already big you dont need to lift heavy weights, stick to light weights a few times per week and try heavy squats once a week this is a all round body conditioner and should work wonders.

Heh!!! I had an ab lounge. I dropped it off at goodwill a few months ago...Getting rid of the extra fat is all about diet. It always is. I know the recommendation is diet AND exerise, but the thing with exercise is that since you burn more, it s also likely to trigger hunger, especially with lots of cardio.Diet shouldn t be a short term thing to lose weight, it s just a healthy eating plan. I think the South Beach Diet book is a great thing to read. Skim it in a bookstore or go to the library.Really, 3 days a week of weight training for about 15-25 minutes is enough to build muscle. Just run through an entire circuit for your whole body. You can get ideas for exercises all over the place and build your own routine.

You gotta find the best workout routine for you and works with your daily and weekly regular routine. You should hang out on bodyu building and workout forums where you can find a lot of tips and discussion about various routines based on what you want to achieve.

Monday - Run 3 milesTuesday - work on all your leg and chest muscles (3 sets of 10)Wednesday - Core Strength (Abdominal area) 80 min and NeckThursday - Arm and shoulder MusclesFriday - Run 3 milesSaturday - Break daySunday - Break dayStick to a Schedule Something like thisEat a well balanced dietcut carbs and protein (10%) drink lots of water

Try the P90x. I tried it and it worked really well for me. You basically have all the equipment. P90X is badass