Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to lose weight fast? -

i am going on a trip with friends on 3/23/08. i want to wear some shorts,skirts,and bathing suties! but i need to lose some weight around my tummy,adn uper legs.. any ideas?

This site offers a free E-book on how to lose weight. It s been a great help for me, maybe it can help you as well?

diet and exercise work together but you don t have much time - I watch calories but find what you like. Just try and do it healthy it will do you no good otherwise.��

excercise every single day for three hours straight ,font eat fast food until then..only eat healthy but not unnessasry quantities good luck!

weight watchers combined with working out at least 3x a week. firm workout tapes are awesome

im trying to do the same exact thing. in fact im actually leaving for vacation on 3/22/08. i lost about 10 pounds just going to the gym, doing cardio for half and hour and working out my arms, legs, and core. i feel so much healthier and stronger and i trimed my waist, my butt, and my stomach. i even went down a size. whenever i cant make it to the gym or its that time of the month i just take a fast walk around my neighborhood. getting fresh air is so relaxing and cleansing, and u develop nice calves and a good butt. as for food, people may say to eat snacks, but when i do that i always over eat. eat 3 square meals a day packed full of protein and vegetables, especially for dinner. cut out all white breads, try whole wheat products instead. it may taste different at first but ull start to get used to it and tastes even better than white bread. if ur thirsty dont go for juice or soda. even fruit drinks are packed with sugar, like apple juice. and diet sodas just make u hungrier. drink water with every meal and periodically during the day.when i start to crave sugar, usually wat works for me is a square of bitter sweet chocolate. it actually fills u up. and of course always fruit is full of fructose, which is healthier than glucose sugar in most products.good luck.X]

You should join weight watchers. You can eat all your favourite foods but in moderation. They all have a points value and you get allocated a certain amount of points each day. It s the only thing that helped me lose my weight. I lost 45lbs in a year and did it the healthy way. I was 195lbs. I feel fantastic. Your first week if you stick to the points regime you will lose the most weight which is a great incentive to keep you going. Good luck........

stay away of sugars, processed foods, drink lots of water, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, have salads with oil and vinegar

Dancing is a great overall body exercise, so that is an easy way to burn calories. Just put on some music and move it!! : ) As far as eating, following a diabetic diet is a great, HEALTHFUL way to shed weight. It keeps your body s sugar and metabolism balanced, so you are not hurting yourself in any way. Since you re eating 5-6 tiny meals a day, you never feel hungry. I know this is long, but here s a sample of what a diabetic diet for one day would be:WHAT YOU SHOULD DO A sample 1,500 calorie diet is listed below. You can exchange or trade one food for another from the same food group. For example, you can choose 1 slice of bread instead of 3/4 cups of dry cereal, or a potato instead of a dinner roll. For other alternatives, see the lists under Diabetic Exchange Diet. BREAKFAST Food Groups 2 breads or starches, such as 3/4 cup (6 ounces) corn flakes and 1 slice toast 1 fruit, such as 1 small (5-inch) banana or 1/2 of a 9-inch banana 1 milk, such as 1 cup skim or 1 cup 1 percent milk 1 fat, such as 1 tsp. margarine LUNCH Food Groups 2 ounces meat or protein, such as 2 ounces sliced turkey breast 2 breads or starches, such as 2 slices bread 1 vegetable, such as 1 lettuce leaf and 2 tomato slices 1 fat, such as 1 tsp. regular mayonnaise or 2 tsp. low-fat mayonnaise AFTERNOON SNACK Food Groups 1 milk, such as 1 cup (8 ounces) skim or 1 cup 1 percent milk 1 vegetable, such as 1 cup carrot sticks 1 fat, such as 2 Tbs. fat-free salad dressing (can use with carrot sticks) DINNER Food Groups 3 ounces meat or protein, such as 3 ounces lean roast beef 2 starches, such as one 3-inch baked potato and 1 medium (2-1/2 inch) dinner roll 1 fat, such as 1 tsp. margarine 2 vegetables, such as 1 cup (8 ounces) cooked mixed vegetables 1 fruit, such as 1-1/4 cups fresh strawberries EVENING SNACK Food Groups 1 bread, such as three 2-1/2 inch square graham crackers 1 meat or meat substitute, such as 1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese Good luck and have a great vacation!

I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.If you want to lose some weight fast, this can help you!More infomation the link: task=view id=203 Itemid=62My wife lost over 60 pounds last year through eating the right things. She has an extremely bad back and is unable to exercise at all. All of the weight she lost was through proper dieting alone.I had her feed me according to the same diet and I lost 30 pounds in about 16 weeks, but I also exercised.My wife did it through a diet center that she paid quite a bit of money to. Of course, she got supplements and stuff through them that I couldn t get.More infomation the link: task=view id=203 Itemid=62

start running - it s the best for you helps you lose weight overall.

eat sensible and often, drink loads of water and do at least 30 minutes cardio a day. always eat breakfast, cut out soda, candy, cookies, chips, fast food, greasy food, fried foods, and salty foods. i have lost 10 pounds a month by doing this, and best part is, i no longer crave, salty, fried, greasy or fast foods, they actually make me sick thinking about them. i used a free site to help me keep track of my progress, loads of tips and info and loads of very active message boards! good luck you can do it!

I watched supersize vs superskinny and she went on a mayple syrup diet, where she mixed water with one tbsp of mayple syrup and a pinch of cajun pepper! She lost about 2 pounds in 3 days i think! GENIUS! But all you can do is drink it, not eat, bad idea lol