Sunday, July 26, 2009

How to lose weight question ? 1 pound? -

Does anyone know how to lose 1 pound in 1 day does anyone know how to do that ? I need to lose 3 pounds for wrestling in 3 days !!!

yes it sounds extreme but starve yourself only drink a water and run so you sweat the water out you only have 3 days so you got to do the extreme also you will be exhausted due to lack of food to give you energy so come time after weigh in once you make a weight try to get something to eat if you can this will help!

okay one dont do what the guy below you said thats really bad to do and if ur wrestling you need to keep muscle and lose fat you starve your body of protein your stomach will eat away what you need to do is work out 1 time a day this is what you need to do max push ups then go to max sit ups then max pull ups after that go back to max push ups then max crunches and last max pull ups then run 2 or 3 miles with weight on your back 65 or what ever you can handle do that every day and also everytime you use the bathroom do max push ups and max sit ups before you go into the bathroom then when your done max push ups and max sit ups before you leave the bathroom eath breakfast,lunch,and dinner enough to get the nutriets in your body but not to stuff you no fast food and lots and lots of water this is what i do and im a marine..