Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How to lose weight quickly? girl 13yrs, 130lbs, 52.? -

i need good hints and tips. i used to weigh around 140 last summer and got down to 130 and a size 4 in jeans.. i have a bowflex at home and i do dance once a week. what kind of foods could i eat? i was thinking of becoming a vegitarian, but what could i eat then? oh and what are good exercises to work off the little bit of fat that hangs over your pants?

You know, if you want to be appealing to men, you are at a good weight. Don t think that your peers will think you need to lose weight; at 5 2 and 130 lbs, you are actually an ideal weight. You say you use to be anorexic, but to me it sounds like you may still be. If you want to lose weight in three weeks, you wont be able to lose much. I will outline below what I recommend. This is not a quick way to lose weight, but it is safe.Easiest, quickest, and safest way will involve a complete lifestyle change for most people. I do not know what you currently do for your own health so I will go over as much as I can in a brief time.1) Exercise - Cardiovascular activities will burn the most calories. Some people may tell you to lift weights, but that will not be the quickest, nor the most beneficial. You should jog or run 3-4 times a week at every-other-day. This will force your body to keep burning calories, even on your off days; many people call this boosting your metabolism . I personally do the following:Monday- Jog for 3-5 milesTuesday- WeightsWednesday- Jog for 3-5 milesThursday- WeightsFriday- Jog for 3-5 milesSaturday- WeightsSunday- OffFor me, this is what I found the best to stay cut while maintaining my muscles. When I stated Weights I actually target different muscle groups when I lift. This gives every muscle a turn to rest while only being worked one vigorous day a week.2) Diet - You can chose what you want to eat; your parents have been telling you what was healthy since before you can remember. In a sense, they were right. You need to eat your greens, along with some fruits, dairy, and meats. Because you are losing weight you need to target the lean meats such as fish or chicken; it is best to eat these grilled or the like - fried food is bad. Water is a necessity for you to grow, as well as for you to lose weight. Drink, drink, drink.3) Rest - This is necessary for your muscles to recover. While they are recovery you will continue to burn calories; this is why I recommend every-other-day to prevent waisting time. If you were to go for building muscle, you would benefit from resting and working different muscle groups; your muscles can take more than just a day to pick back up your strength and finish recovering(growing). Many amateurs pick up the weights and get so focused on a ripped body they think it best to work out the entire body every single day. This is only harming them and causing them to not see the progress they long for; thus making many of them give up or quit.4) Supplements - Many people focus on this as their primary branch of diet; this will build a tree of sticks and not of quality. I personally believe an amateur should stick to a good multivitamin, maybe some fishoil to give them the omega 3 s and maybe an amino acid supplement. Nothing more is really necessary if you re just aiming to lose weight. Some people recommend protein, however I feel that this is only necessary if you are going for muscle gains or if you are a vegetarian/vegan.I hope I helped, any other questions just email me. I am not a health freak like many people that may answer your question. I am a person with real evidence that I know what I am doing. I have my ideal body that I compete and win with.EDIT: Yes starving yourself is bad for you. When you do starve yourself or eat only fruit/vegetables several things could happen. You could get too much fiber; many don t understand that too much fiber is bad and could cause constipation. Your body will start to believe after a few days that it needs to store all of the energy(fat) that it can. This will cause you to blow up like a blimp when you go back to your normal diet. Like I stated before, a balanced diet is best if you would like to keep it off. Becoming something like a vegetarian is a horrible idea because your body does need meat. Meat contains so many things that your body does need to live; from amino acids to fatty acids to creatine, the list keeps going on, but these are the ones you often hear about in today s news. Follow what I have out lined above and you will see results. Remember, this is a life style change, not a temporary thing.I just wanted to add that the person below me said run/walk half a mile every morning. This person is ignorant on the topic and it shows in there first sentence they typed. Running and walking have completely different effects on your body; I m sure you can understand that.

hi im 12 and i weigh around 77pounds and im 5ft is that bad?

girl you have nothing to lose! just STAY in shape by running/walking about 1/4 mile every morning or so...its about a lap you know around the block or so, and just don t drink soda/sweets. good luck

Eat 3-5 healthy smart portioned meals a day,(Don t starve yourself), no food except for fruit and water or juice 4 hours before you go to bed. No need to go Veggie unless you really want to. You ll still want to eat chicken or fish if you do, and you will still need the calcium and Iron and vitamins for your body.30 or more minutes a day excersize 4-5 days a week and make sure to drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep 6+ hours. No sleep, No weightloss. Look up Abdominal Excersizes in Google and think about regular swimming or soccer if you can. Good core excersizes will help tone your body up. Jogging is a great one too. Crunches, leg lifts, scissors (hello dolly s) and eskimo pushups are great ab excersizes. Good Luck.

Quit drinking soda, tea and any other sugary drinks. I quit drinking soda about three weeks ago and lost at least 10 lbs without changing my diet...just drinking plenty of water.

drink water only, run/walk do cardio try to burn 3-500 cals a session 5 days a week for best results stick to it be motivated, eat lots of fruits and veggies dont take meat out completely but dont eat fast food tho that shits horrible think positive, your not gonna see fast results ever if you do its unhealthy, losing 10-15 in the first week is normal tho if you change your life style, dont worry hun youll be fine and good looking in no time just dont give up, the best thign to do is write down a list of reasons why you want to do this and any time you want to give up look at the list, and this should re motivate you! woohoo go do it girl you got this youll be fit before you know it and theres nothing to it but to do it!