Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How to lose weight? -

ok so i weigh 130 and i am only 10 i my ideal weight is 90

Try this, you can feel and see results in about three days. Muscle will outweigh the fat so don t let the scale discourage you :).For exercise, try switching it out everyday, so your body doesn t get used to the exercise (Monday Arms, Tuesday Stomach, Wednesday Legs, Thursday Rest, Friday Arms, Saturday Stomach, Sunday Legs). Also, one the days where legs or stomach or arms come back around the second workout of the week focusing in that area, try switching the exercise out too. For arms maybe lift weights (if you have none then use cans and be sure to hold them away from you or they won t work). For stomach, you can sit on a bouncy ball and do crunches (don t hold onto your legs), for legs, maybe lay on your side propped up on your elbow and lift the top leg slowly up and down, then switch. If you are can t exercise an hour, that s fine but try increasing the time every week or so. If you are old enough to buy equiptment or go to a gym, try that. As you get further into it, maybe you can buy some equipment for mainly those three areas I listed. Also, walk home from places or on the commercial break, get up and run wall to wall.Also, a REALLY good workout is at youtube.com and search for 8 minute abs, 8 minute legs, 8 minute buns, and 8 minute arms. Try doing these on other days (ex.: Monday arms and workout from youtube, Tuesday legs not workout from youtube, Wednesday stomach and 8 minute abs, Thursday rest, Friday arms no 8 minute arms, Saturday no 8 minute abs, Sunday 8 minute legs. Try doing those how I listed above and don t do it more than once a day along with your daily workout.For food, which is very important (70% of weight loss is food intake while 30% is excercise, though both are VERY important), try this schedule.Breakfast:Whenever you wake up or an hour after.Drink of choice: One hour after breakfast (all other drinks being water.Lunch: 1 1/2 hours after drink of choice.Snack: 1 1/2 hour after lunch (or two hours after lunch).Dinner: 2 hours after snack.Try portioning your food, one cup for meals and half a cup for snacks and drink of choice. As you get more used to this, you can decrease your portion sizes.Also try measuring your calorie intake and try exercising over the amount of your intake to build muscle which burns access fat. You can measure that at www.myfitnesspal.com where it measures EVERYTHING for you :).If you drink cokes and need help with that, try slowly decreasing the amount of cokes you drink, one day the usual, and decrease half of the amount of that you usually drink until it s half a cup a day.While your exercising, I have a problem with wanting to eat then and I m sure everyone else does too so maybe bring a mug of ice with you and eat the ice so you get a little munch out of it and you hydrate yourself while doing no harm to yourself or your diet.Hope this helps and good luck! :)Also, at www.myfitnesspal.com if you do everything it says exercise an hour a day, eat the amount of calories! Just keep in mind that whichever diet you do YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Good luck :)I ve been doing this and so far I ve lost 6lbs in 5 days :)Good luckCheck your BMR and eat that amount of calories (BMR is the amount of calories that you burn daily just by breathing, sleeping, etc. so if you eat that much, you burn it plus exercise will be burning more then your intake :)Alot of people simply say eat right and exercise and they may seem like little help but that s really all it comes down to; those are the basics of every diet. There are different ways of eating right and exercising but those are just the two things it all comes down to (:Don t over-do yourself though but I think lifting weights and stuff is fine as long as it s 20lbs MAX. (:

the most simple and logical answer is dont eat a lot! starve yourself.

omg MYSELF you got a whole essay there