Sunday, August 23, 2009

How can I lose a lot of weight over the summer? -

I am a 15 year old female, and I am 6 1 I am kind of heavy set, and I need to lose a lot of weight. I would like to lose a good bit of it this summer. I am at home most of the summer, and the temptation to eat is awful! Any tips on what I should eat, how to control cravings, how I could exerecise at home, or any other way you know how to lose weight? I am willing to try any thing!

What you need to do is eat right. Get healthy food. You re old enough to go out and buy it. Use your own money so that your parents know that you re serious about eating right. Also, run! Jog a couple miles a day, play soccer with a friend in your backyard, walk or bike to wherever you need to go, unless it s too far away.Cravings are difficult. Want a chocolate brownie, sitting right there on the counter...yum. You probably just want chocolate, so have a square of dark chocolate or a tootsie roll. Ice cream? Frozen yogurt. Chips? Thinly slice potatoes and bake them in the oven.Hope I helped!

Ok I am the same way kind of. I want to do the same thing. We should eat small meals whenever we have a craving to eat sometimes i just say to my self No and then avoid that craving by doing something else like walking outside or swimmingg or playing outside. The most important thing to do is to not be hard on ourselves we are all bound to make a mistake once in a great while, just consider that to be like a reward. then get back on the plan. walking itself helps a lot. You could excersize at home by doing simple excersize like streches. Try to get a MP3 or Ipod or walkman or something that plays music so you have a beat to walk to. I am in band so i also like to march it feels like its working. another thing to remember is that just because we are not loosing weight doesnt mean that we are not getting in shape. Muscle replaces fat

Just try to exercise like running, swimming, walking, etc. Since you are tempted by the summer foods, opt for the healthy foods like the in season fruits:watermelonapplesorangescantelopegrapesstrawberriesrasberriesblueberriesveggies:carrotslettucecelerybell peppersspinachjust try your best to snack on those foods, they are healthy and good for you and taste amazing!

Try the Take Shape for Life program. This program gives you the tools to lose the weight and then teaches you how to maintain it for a lifetime. Check out

yeah i know how you feel.i came across a program that i use,and i do it at home.its very effective for losing weight fast and has helped thousand of people.visit www.buildfastburnfast.blogspot.comclick on the link for turbulence training in the article

Here are two links of losing weight and toning your body, choose which is best for you.