Monday, September 28, 2009

How to lose weight and fat? -

Idk how tall I am but I feel fat, and weight 171 pounds and am only 14. I have always dreamed of being in UFC but I dont think it would be possible being as... chubby as I am. I was wondering what are some excercises I can do to remove my flab and possibly get me abs?

Cut down on your food intake, increase healthy foods, and increase exercise/ physical activity. Only drink water or juice.Always eat your meals, NEVER skip or else you will gain weight.Eat breakfast a hour within waking up.Stop eating after 6 p.m. (your body burns fat during the night if it doesn t have to digest food.) fasting Eat healthy alternatives, yogurt instead of ice cream or wheat thins instead of chips.)Walk places rather than car (friends house, store, library, school, park)If you have a dog, walk him/her every night around neighborhood. - They like exercise too.Try getting your family involved (go shopping when your mom/dad does so you can pick healthy snacks, foods.Join a sport like football, or go jogging 5 days a week for 1 mile and gradually add more. Walk if you want, that is good for burning fat also.Always move, jumping jacks during t.v commercials, crunches, stationary bike, go walking if have food cravings or bored.If have food cravings either exercise or chew a piece of sugar free gum.If your school has a weight training room, start going there, my brother does and he is getting stronger, he isn t getting fit because he isn t eating healthy, so only go there if you plan to change your diet.- you will get abs and remove fat.You have to give this 150%, losing weight is not hard if you set your mind to it. Take Care, Alex

you should eat at least 4-5 meals a day.drink lots of water, and eat regularly. don t starve yourself, because once you start eating again, you ll gain everything back, trust lots of fruits and veggies, and if you eat bread, make sure it s whole grain. white bread is pretty fattening. you can also eat lean meats, like fish, turkey and chicken breast. eggs also help when trying to lose weight.skip out on sweets, candy, sugary foods, chips, ice cream, cake, and cookies.if you feel hungry, but don t want to over eat, chew gum. it ll keep your mouth busy and it tricks yourself into thinking your eating.cut out ALL soda! if you stop drinking soda, it helps you out a lot!and don t forget to exercise!try walking, jogging, jump rope, dancing, crunches, bike riding and swimming. try exercising for 45-80 minutes a day.good luck!

The best and most effective way to burn fat is doing cardio (such as running, biking, swimming, etc) and running is the best of those choices, so everyday you should jog for 30 minutes straight. If you can t do that right away, start at pushing yourself to run 10 minutes and work it up from there. Do this 6 days a week for 2 months straight. Along with running, do 20 push-ups, 20 lunges, and 50 crunches everyday. After 2 months you should definitely see results, but keep in mind you have to eat healthier also.

You just need to do little exercises every night at home like doing crunches, push ups, sit ups, and jump roping ( jump roping burns 200 calories if you do it for about 15 minutes) You also just need to eat less like a nuitricious breakfeast,lunch, dinner and maybe a snack after dinner. You could also give yourself a rule like no food after 7:30.hope this helped..! workout. eat less, better body, better life :)!!

Avoid cream, ghee, sweets and fried food. Take regular exercise sufficiently, so as to burn more calories of energy, than its intake.

any physical activity that gets your heart up. running, a sport, swimming etc.

lay off the dough nuts yo. and ruuuunn