Thursday, September 24, 2009

How to lose weight fast as possiable b-4 8-24-09? -

O.k im 12 turnin 13 in october i way ova 230 pounds the only thing in my house to work out wit is a ab lounger n dat bik thing dat dnt move amd im tryin 2 lose weight b4 skewl start bk in 8-24-09

Drink about a gallon of water every day. Eat fiber. And try really hard to cut down your eating habits. About 1400 calories a day can drop you like a pound every week. Just keep this up (I know its hard, I ve gained about 40 pounds throughout high school and I ve only just started this new diet). Just pay attention to serving sizes and you can eat just about anything you want! Also, DO NOT not eat . It is NOT good for you, and you will get very sick. You will lose weigh fast, yes, but by then you will be so hungry you ll just eat it all back! Eating small snacks throughout the day will keep your stomach constantly busy, which means you will burn more energy just by digesting food.Also, there s this thing called the Hawthorne Effect. It s human behaviour where you always do better when you know you re being observed. That s why it s a good idea to keep track of your weight in a journal. Trust me you will do much better that way, it has worked for me! Good luck! :)

Hi Tay Tay,To lose weight as fast as possible, and even in a healthy way, which is what I think you re asking, you should cut out SODA and sugary drinks from your diet COMPLETELY and drink only water and sparingly drink a glass or 2 of 100% PURE fruit juice. That along with the other tips I m going to share below and you will be on your way to easily losing the weight and keeping it off.As cliche as it may sound you gotta eat your veggies. They are amazingly good for you, also raw nuts (almonds are best) fruits, and 100% whole grain breads instead of white flours (white flour is very bad for you, read up on it if you get the chance!) Try and stay away from fried foods and fast food as much as possible, and other empty calories and foods that provide you no nutrients, like ice cream/candy/cake etc. Common sense goes a long way with what foods to eat and how to be healthy, so use it :)Building healthy eating habits and keeping the weight off in the long term is what you should really strive for. Also, make sure you don t count calories, it can drive you CRAZY! Just eat GOOD calories, and when your satisfied, stop eating. If you mix this in with the other things I ve shared, you will be on your way to easily losing weight and keeping it off.Just be persistent, set goals, make little changes and stick with them. You will get to where you want to be. You really have to want it, I did and I m at my goal weight now. Please check out my blog, I think you will enjoy the information and my weight loss story. The link is below and best of luck hon.

Put yourself on an eating schedule. Small meals every 2 1/2 hours. Lean protein like chicken or turkey. With some type of greens and maybe 1/2 cup of brown rice. Handful of almonds for snacks. Etc, etc. Cut out all sodas. Drink 100 oz of water a day. No sweets or processed foods. If it comes in a prepackaged envelope. Don t eat it! Try to eat like a caveman would. Fresh fruit, vegetables, meats, and nuts. And again, water. Then, get moving. Go on nice walks, play basketball, do walk your dog or a neighbors dog. Just get moving. The weight will drop off. Good luck.

You should have a look this way that I did. It works amazing for me and I lost 11 pounds in 3 weeks. You can find more info from

Drink lots and lots of water. it will keep u full so u won t have the temptation to eat! oh and your skin will look great !!

Fast(dont eat for 3 days)

Do NOT listen to Big J or whatever.I m trying to lose weight by early september.This is what you should do.Wake up an hour earlier than you usually do.Do as many crunches as you can, but make sure you aren t out of breath.Do your basic warm ups: jumping jacks, leg lunges, jogging in place, etc.If you feel comfortable, go outside and go for a walk or jog.I usually go for a walk with my dog, it makes me feel more comfortable.Don t eliminate your favorite treats aka junk food right away.It s tempting and you ll crack. Just cut all of your meals in half or at least a quarter.The key to losing weight is motivation, determination, eating better, and exercise.You have to be commited to do this.If you aren t, then it s not going to work.Drink LOTS of water.Sometimes, your body tricks you. It may say you re hungry when your thirsty. When you re feeling hungry around an hour after a meal, get some water or milk instead(:Make sure you exercise at LEAST 35 minutes a day.When you exercise, don t look at the scale, because it will take around 2 weeks for things to start kicking in.On the scale, it will probably say you will weight more because you are building muscle.In the beginning 2 weeks, you ll lose around like 15 pounds.Then things will go a little slowerbut remember, YOU HAVE TO BE COMMITTED.What works for me, is that i picture how good i think i d look with a better in shape body.It makes me feel better, and i tend to run more when i get happy.Excersie also makes you happier.Isn t that like amazing?I know I might sound like this is too good to be true,but im serious, exercising, eating right, and determination is what you have to do.Stay COMMITTED!Don t give up and good luck :]