Saturday, June 23, 2012

Is there a diet pill that will help me lose weight fast? -

Diet Pills are a waste of money. If you need a pill to give you a boost of energy try Vivarian Caffeine pills. Does the same exact thing. Fraction of the price. Or, Try the Medifast Diet from Take Shape for Life. You will lose weight quickly with little or no exercise. It was recommended by my Dr. and it is healthy. They teach you to eat 5-6 small meals a day every 2-3 hours so you speed up your metabolism. I lost 25 lbs. from it so far.

actually, there is. but you do have to eat healthy. its called FAHRENHEIGHT. its not expensive , but i do reccomend that you excersize and eat healthy. dont expect do loose weight overnight. also the most dangerous thing you can do with this pill is starve yourself and take too many pills or even pills at all. most models do this, but they also end up in hospitals.

Well I have tried diet pills and they don t work. I have eaten more soy and that seems to help. I lost 5 lbs in a week on a soy diet. So Give it a try and eat more soy.

u can go to and see what they have. (they have some good stuff)

yeah its called the gym dumb@$$

not sure, but if you find one let me know!!!!

you dumbass! dont use diet pills! eat healthier, no carbs, and exercise!