Saturday, January 19, 2013

How can i lose weight fast ? -

how can i lose weight fast but without doing exercise ...i do exercise but is there another way ???

This is what i did to lose over 50 pounds. I know its not the best way nor healthy but i skipped meals, ate less of what i had to eat. I totally stopped eating all the junk food such as chips, cookies, cake and what not. no soda, or anything that had caffeine in it. But mainly i just skipped meals and ate less. Then i got used to it. Lets say if you were to eat a burger, What ever you do don t eat 100% of it just leave about 10% of it left if you can.But hey Good luck =] I m in good shape now. Working out and getting bigger and stronger.

Sorry to say but if there was a real way to lose weight fast and be healthy, everyone would be doing that already. Only way is to eat less and move more! You have to find the right calorie intake for your fitness level and get busy. Or you can try getting rid of one bad eating habit at a time by replacing it with a healthy habit. Losing weight and being healthy is about changing your lifestyle, not finding a quick fix. It won t last either if you take the easy way. You will gain it back plus some. It s harder for your body to lose weight properly when you yo-yo like that. You have to exercise to lose weight. That is what burns the excess calories. Otherwise, you will have no change in weight.

I would guess you don t do exercise and you eat twinkies and Utz potato chips 23 hours of the day, and watch episodes of scrubs online. BUT YOU CAN STOP! AND BEAT OBESITY! If you ask your weight to get the crap out of your life, it will most likely go away. Thank you for reading and good luck

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