Friday, March 15, 2013

What kind of veggies will help me lose weight!? -

I need to lose weight fast!!

most veggies, exept starty ones like potatoes

The key for losing weight is not difficult - eat less food and move more - the difficulties appear when we actually try to put that into operation! There are loads of opportunities to fail out there don t you think?! The sole thing that really worked for me was wu-yi tea, it can be checked out in the resource box below, they have a small number of free trials left, it was highlighted in Fox News and USA Today. I melted away twenty pounds, it really does work!

lettuce, brocklie. ( less ranch)buh i suggest fruits, granola bars, lotsa wheat bread and all those stuff. and yogurt. and maybe reduced milk you know.veggies are kinda hard to stuff down your troat

celery ... no calories in it so you actually burn more calories than you take in by eating it.

cocunuts , :D dieting along with exercise , simple dieting wont do

well there are the negative calorie vegetables. Like carrots and celery. I don t know them all. Google it!P.S. here I googled it for you because I thought it might be interesting. It s really neat seeing just how many vegetables and fruits are on this list!��