Saturday, May 18, 2013

I want to lose weight fast as possible help? -

please give some advise or crash diet please im desperate

CRASH diets can be harmful they never work well for anyone It is NOT healthy for anyone to loose a lot of weight @ once, the best is 2 lbs. a day eat healthy exercise @ least 30 mins a day , best to talk to a DR. about what exercise is best for you what heart rate you should be @ trust me, I have been there done that , get advice from a DR. before exercising best of luck

well do what am doing crash diet drink loads of water and get really strong diet pills the weight will just drop of u thats what am doing and i have lost 6 ounds in 1 week . good luck.

Give-up all those ideas, because, side efects are there. Do, these, natural cure :Obesity : This is due to :1. Malfunctioing of Thyroid/Parathyroid gland and late on other endocrine glands e.g. malfunctioning of Pineal gland leads to retention of water and excess water in the body and leads to excess fat.2. Underworking of Sex glands mainly in ladies after delivery of a child.3. Overeating i.e. taking more calories than required by the body.C U R E :Take Acupessure treatment on all endocrine glands twice daily. 2. During pregnancy and after delivery, take treatment on all the endrocrine glands. After delivery, increae heat in the body, take the acupressure treatment. 3. Drink charged gold/silver/copper water daily two glasses reduced from 4 glasses.4. Drink hot to lukewarm water only during the day and always after meals.5. In the morning in one glass of hot water add juice of half a lemon and one tablespooful of honey. Drink it. That will reduec the desire to eat/drink sweets.6. Chew food at least 15 minutes7. Drnk 3 to 5 cups of green juice a day adding 1 teaspoonful of health drink to each cup. This will help to reduce the body very fast WITHOUT ANY SIDE EFFECTS.8. Eat plenty of salads adding 100 grams of sprouted cereals like Mung. Also eat two seasonal fruits + 1 glass of buttermilk.9. Avoid all food if possible. However, in spite of the above diet, if you feel very hungry, take preparations of only wheat or only rice. That will rduce the intake of food. But eat this food only when you are very hungry.10. Do Pranayam + Ling Mundra + Acupressure +(specially fast weight lose) : Jogging,swimming, skipping Yoga exercises .

Cut out the carbs

Loosing weight fast is always an unhealthy thing.There are many diets who tell you that you can loose a lot of weight in no time. And it is working, but you are doing no good to your body. And there s also the Jojo-effect.The best thing to loose and hold a healthy weight is healthy food, less sugar, lots of drinking water, and sports.Diet has to begin in your head. And you already started to think about your nutrition. That s an important step. It is too easy just to make a magazine-diet for 2-3 weeks and loose some weight. But it will come back soon again. If you are over-thinking your nutrition and activity, you will have a constantly good result. Isn t that much better and healthier than a crash-diet ?Loosing a lot of weight fast doesn t mean to slim your tummy. It s not working that way. It s a long process to bring your tummy back in shape.You are pretty the way you are , honey. Don t do anything bad to your body. And don t listen to people who want to sell you diet pills or other stuff. It is a dangerous thing.please check this artical: --How can I lose weight fast.?-- -- task=view id=187 Itemid=62 -- Keep on doing your thing.Take care,J.Z :-)

4 words are your only chance of sustaining weight loss - EAT LESS DO MORE!The secret to weight loss is vigorous regular long term exercise, we are fat more because of what we don t do, that what we eat. It is also why diets don t really work in the long term.

Try low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein, and exercise. The foods are low caloried, and yet filling and healthy.It is my lifestyle now. I am on low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein and a hour brisk walk 5 times a week, and I have lost 31lbs/14kg and gained better health. I am now maintaining my 108lbs/49kg for more than a year, with more fruits and complex carbs.Details such as my experience, meals, recipes, foods to buy, reading labels, walking as an exercise and to shape the body etc etc, are in my blog.Xiaozhen

There s no way to efective lose weight in a short time. You must be patient. You should go on a strict diet, not on starvation diet but eatt less. More vegetables less sweats. And start doing some sport, running or swimming or sth else.

try using hollywood diet my friend did and lost 14 lbs in one day weird i know but true

exercise, eat healthy, avoid fats when possible(no cheese, no mayo) try barbecue sauce on things, and spice everything up, it gets your metabolism working better. If you can, or can sand it, avoid red meat and pork, go for leaner choices like chicken or turkey.

I would like to rephrase your question, if I could please, to how do I lose weight safely in as short amount of time as possible. You obviously need to exercise and control your calorie intake. By exercise I mean doing a weights routine and cardiovascular exercise. The weights routine consisting of squats, lunges, press-ups, seated rows, pull-downs, and shoulder presses. Perform each exercise for 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps. The resistance used and the amount will depend on your experience level. If you are a beginner focus on technique rather than intensity. Cardiovascular training can involve running, rowing, cycling, or swimming. Try performing the exercise for 3 minutes at a high intensity; decrease the intensity for 3 minutes, before increasing the intensity for 3 minutes again. Repeat this 4-6 times depending on fitness level.Controlling your calorie intake is vital. If you do not eat enough calories, you body will go into survival mode and store more fat to cope with the period of fasting. The body will breakdown muscle to fuel bodily functions. Muscle loss slows your metabolism, which triggers the body to store yet more fat. Most weight loss caused by extreme dieting is water loss and muscle loss. Water loss is caused by a reduction in carbohydrates, which hold the water in the cells of the body, when carbs are cut down, the body loses its water. When you start eating carbs again, the water is held again, and the weight is put on. You may lose weight but it will be water and muscle, and you will be getting fatter!So only reduce calorie intake by 150-200 calories per day, remember because you are exercising you will need fuel to this. Cut out the sweets, processed foods, and foods high in saturated foods. Drink 2-3 liters of water a day, eat fresh fruit, veg (broccoli great when dieting), wholemeal and wholewheat foods, and meats such as chicken, turkey mince instead of minced beef, salmon, and tuna. Steam instead of frying. Keep a diary of your food intake, and you will be surprised how easy it is to spot the unhealthy high calorie foods in your diet. Fat burning pills are usually only caffeine, chili powder, and garlic, so it is debatable that you will need them, but if you use them, they should not be used for more than 2 weeks, only 2-3 times a year.

hi eat three to four small meals a day - dont eat pasta, bread or starchy vegies in the evening. eat them at lunch. also dont eat late at night and then sleep on a full stomach. do some exercise before breakfast - no diet softdrinks - drink water. remember you must burn more calories than you are burning off during the day. oh and dont buy pills or diet foods - they all a gimmic.

I used to have serious over weight problem for years and I was the kind of people quite easily get sick tired. Thank god, once I met a new friend in a family gathering and he told me a very good site that I later found so helpful. The site taught me great workouts and diet tips and showed me what I had been doing wrong to address my over weight problem... Here is the good thing and you might wanna to check out more. Good luck!