Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Any work out tips to lose weight fast.? -

Losing weight fast is unhealthy. Unfortunatley the only way losing weight works is the hard way IE: will power and working for it. If you are very over weight (Dont compare yourself to celebrities) try walking for 30 minutes at a brisk pace 3 times a week and not eating excesivley. if you want to go a step further try this schedule: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/��


Sorry I dont work out but I do have a tip for losing weight. I watch the foodnetwork channel a lot and Pineapple is a fruit that breaks down fats in your body. So if you eat Pineapple after a meal it will break down any fats you have consumed. Makes me wanna eat a lot more pineapple.

Treadmill, rowing machine, sit ups for the toned look

Start training for a marathon or 10K.www.kicksports.com

checkout ur weight and decide how much u want to loose......

try this website , its free , has support helps you with calories, excercises , support and other things .. to help you lose weight in a safe way.. www.sparkpeople.com

Get one of those workout videos and play it at 2X speed.

try to run up and down the staris for two minites, restt for 30 seconds , and dance. Yes , dancing works out all of your body and give a lean but not to bulk look in a mattter of weeks.