Saturday, August 24, 2013

How to lose weight fast for your wedding.? -

i have a friend that is almost 100lbs over weight and wants to lose weight fast before her wedding. how can i help her?

well...i wouldn t recommend trying to lost 100lbs in a short amount of time. skipping the carbs and eating lean protein ( tuna, chicken breasts, turkey) and dairy like cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, etc. will allow u shed some water weight and drop a size or two. drink water, coffee, no pop, etc. some green veggies are ok like brocili, spinach, green beans ( no butter, etc). this is a basic, simple clean plan but don t do it for more than 2 weeks. i did this to fit in a bridesmaid dress and it worked like a charm. that night when i ate dinner and cake, the dress was SOOO tight!

If you want it that bad, dont eat. You can live a month, arguablly longer with no food. Take vitamin suppliments, and drink water. You will lose about 14lbs in about 4 days depending on your weight. The pain goes away after the first day, but the moment you touch food to your lips, all the hunger pains come back.

The answer for me was Papayamine. It is not a diet per say but it is a complete food therefore you eat less because your body has the nutrients it needs. I take two shakes one in the morning and one at lunch. Then I take two capsules one set between the two shakes and the second set 15 min before eating. I have lost 10 lbs in two weeks so far and best of all I really have no cravings.

best thing to do is buy a dress that fits her current weight