Wednesday, September 18, 2013

If you walk 1 to 2 miles a day and diet can you expect to lose weight fast? -

I am afraid not!Walking 2 miles at an average pace takes no more than half an hour and burns about 50-100 calories. In a week this would be only about 500 calories if you do it every day. Remembering you burn off calories anyway when you stand still, you need to burn off 3,500 extra calories to lose 1lb in weight so it would take you 2 months or there abouts to lose this 1lb if this is all you do!Do you see the box near the top of the page?The one labelled Search for questions: ?Well type in lose weight .You will find over 15,000 preexisting questions.Try the misspellings loose weight and there are another 5,500.In all there are over 50,000 Health section questions requesting solutions to being or thinking you might be overweight.On average these each yield 6 answers, that is over 300,000 answers.I can usefully summarise these answers in 4 words:EAT LESS DO MORE. Are you desperate enough to try this???

It depends on how much you are doing now. Increasing your activity will always help but losing weight fast is different for everyone. It is healthy and normal for people to lose 2 lbs a week. Any more then that is not good for your body. But that also depends on how big you are. If you are extremely overweight then losing more then 2 lbs is also normal. It all depends on a lot of things.

First, any loss over 3 lbs/wk is too fast and will likely return.Next, what do you consider a diet ? To keep weight off long term you can t just go on a temporary (and often unhealthy) diet. You must make a lifestyle change forever. Start eating healthy and not eating more calories than your body needs (we get fat when we eat more than our body needs, so it stores the extra calories instead of flushing them out as waste).Walking is good exercise, but most people can walk a mile in 20 mins or less. I can walk a mile in around 13 or 14 mins briskly. That s better than nothing, but it s not much of a workout (too short). Shoot for good aerobic activity (something that gets your heart pumping and has you breathing faster) for about 1 hr. If you have to break it up into 2-30 min workouts or 3-20 min workouts, then do that....just do your best to get in at least 1 hr of good exercise at least 5 days a week.Good luck!

yes 2 miles every day is great enjoi nature enjoi the beauty that surrounds you and yes drink water avoid junk food go for a simple easy diet an idea for you it is easy and saves money and time

The Best Ways to Lose Weight FastHave plenty of exercise. Make up your mind that you are no longer going to be a couch potato . Get moving and stick to a regular exercise regime that will help you to burn fat. Start with easy exercises and slowly progress to more difficult ones and for longer periods that will help you to tone down your muscles and get your weight down. Aerobic exercises done to accompanying music is one of the most effective ways to lose weight fast.Eat nutritious food. Be ready to make a sacrifice and say no to chocolates, sodas and fried food. Here also the switch to more nutritious food should be a gradual one so that your body does not feel the change all at once! Start substituting high-fat foods with low-fat ones. Add salads and green vegetables and cereals to your diet. Not only will you decrease your calorie intake but you will start feeling healthier and will even look better!Walk about! Start walking to the store, or to the gym, or even to work if it is not too far away! It is the best form of exercise and as one gets older, it is the only form of exercise that one should indulge in! Walking has good effects on one s blood pressure, blood sugar and body weight. In this way the whole body is benefitted.Be positive! Having a positive attitude is essential to being successful in losing weight. This will keep you motivated and stimulated to be committed to your goal! Surround yourself with family and friends who will also motivate you to be successful in your endeavor to lose weight.

Walking is great. But, to answer your question if walking 1 to 2 miles a day and diet can lose weight fast, I would say no. Proper diet is important. But, there are better and more effective alternatives than walking to exercise to lose weight. Keep your walking but add to it.Workouts should have weights and circuit type of training. Free weights are great for toning and weight-loss. You can try dumbbell squats with shoulder presses. Here is a great and effective circuit training using a treadmill. Walk for 2 minutes (as a warm-up), jog for 2 minutes, run hard for a minute, then jog for 2 minutes, run hard for a minute, this for about 20-23 minutes. This works great.This is just a start. Keep working out and eating properly. Good

Not neccessarily fast but you will lose weight, maybe you should run the1/2 miles a day then you will lose weight quicker.