Sunday, April 20, 2014

What is the best way to lose weight fast ? -

well if your a girl than it will take longer to lose weight but if your a guy it will be faster than a girl loosing weight but the best way to lose weight fast is to eat helthy(fruits and veggies) try to stay away from fatty foods as much as you can and always exersise.

eat 1200 calories a day consisting of fruits, veggies, fish, grilled chicken, brown rice etc. Oatmeal, egg whites, and fat free yogurt are some foods that are good for breakfast.if you wanna lose weight fast, you re also gonna have to exercise a lot. probably 1-1.5 hours of cardio 6 days a week.Just so you know, the faster you lose the weight, the quicker it s most likely gonna come right back.good luck!

read this article to find out 21 ways to lose weight

Loosing weight fast is ok, but chances are you will gain it back and more, if you are not commited to a permanent life-style change in the way you eat and excersise. Try the south beach diet; it really works, but remember, if you want temporary weight loss, all diets plans will work, just be concious of the bounce back if you are not willing to comit to it for life.

keep away from the greasy fatty foods ...and do exercise...Cardio exercise is the best.