Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How do u lose weight over the summer by exercise? -

i weigh over 300 and want to lose weight fast im sick of ppl making fun of me and i cant fit in the desk in highschool.plz help!!!

listen to tell you the truth i was made fun of too at beggining of april i weight 255pds and i was tired of it i joined a gym watched what i eat and so far have lost 17 pounds, here is what you should do.1. increase your metabolism by eating 5 small meals a day instead of the big three.2. exercise, walk for 30 minutes a day.3. if you can go to a gym and you will have all the eqipment you need to motivate yourself take a picture of yourself and look at it at the start of the day so that can motivate you to eat less and exercise more, trust mee if you exercise and start a healthy no carb diet you will be looking great in no time, the bigger you are the faster you lose weight so what else can i say then to stay strong and dont let people put ou down and show them by losing the weight you can do it. green tea works too.

There s really no way around the simple fact that you lose weight when you lower the intake of calories and when you increase the burning of calories.Limiting rich foods, limiting sugary foods, limiting foods that have too much fat in them. And limiting portion-size of everything.And exercise.There s really no way around it. You ll live longer.Here s your choice: (1) be fat (and unhappy) forever, or (2) avoid the yummy foods and do the no-fun exercises for a while and then be happy and not fat forever.Ya gotta go with the second option!Good luck.

awww :)start exercising, take a slow and steady approach. Walk on the treadmill or ride the stationary bike for 20mn or so. Then do 30mn a day, and make small increases. Drink lots of green tea and water. Also, if you re over 18 or over, I would recommend taking Hydroxycut. It works. Actually, if you re 300+, I think Alli would work better for your. Try Alli, even though it has some unpleasant side effects caused by olestra. I hope everything works out for you :)

Don t listen to the acai berry thing. They post the same thing on everyones weight questions. The best thing I ever did to lose weight was swim team. A team may be too much for some people, but it s good to just go to a public pool and swim some laps. Swimming is an extremely healthy sport because it works your legs, arms, back, and abbs. I also run every day for at least 20 minutes in the summer (well, not every single day). I lost a ton of weight doing those things!

im trying to lose wieght too !! well 3500 calories are in a pound so what i did was times it by my weight so yours would be 1050000 thats your calories now, so no calulate your ideal weight, lets say.. 200 is yours. that would be 700000 so now subtract 1050000 700000 which is 350000 , so you have to burn 350000 calories to be 200 pounds.. so now all you have to do is find exercises (cardio would be more affective) that burns calories. if you burn 500 calories a day, youll lose a pund a week, hope i helped :)best of luck to you

uhm im not obese or anything but like i made a vowe to lose atleast 10lbs b4 school started and i did.i order a bottle of diet pills (ik,there bad for u but i wanted to lose weight so w.e.) and i took like 4 a day,and ate once a day,i lost 5 lbs in like 2 weeks.then i found this celebrity diet drink on amazon.com and its like these 2 juice jugs (they taste like blueberry,really tasty surprisingly)and u drink them for two days straight..but u cant eat anything for those two days.i lost 7lbs.no lie.and when i went back to school i weighed 129lbs.its so funny though cuz like my 9th grade global teacher asked me was i alrite because i lost so much weight.he still asks me.i think he thinks im anorexic.lol.um but good luck on getting healthy.i wish u all the luck in the world

Well you don t always need to exercise ever day to become skinnier.One thing you need to do is try to eat healthy and not eat junk food.drink at least 1 gallon of water a day.Water burns off calories!Just remember eat a good breakfast and I also recommend you to start exercising more in school and be and eat healthy!

Get involved in a sport. Running has always seemed boring to me, so I started doing other athletic activities and it worked just as well. Plus, I actually enjoyed doing it!

you just answered your own question!?how do you lose weight over the summer? BY EXERCISE. also, by eating right.