Sunday, July 13, 2014

How can i lose weight fast?thats priceless i can go on? -

living my life still and not go to the gym cause that cost money what can i do

I lost 20 pounds in about a month and ahalf jus by cutting out pop and eating salads if you dont wana go to the gym jus go walking for bout a hour or 2 jus walk around your town or walk to work then walk home which also saves u money on gas

four fast ways to lose weight.1) Make a small beginning - To lose weight you do not have to give up on your favorite food items. A small change a week can help lose those ugly bulges. Try limiting the amount of certain food items like oil, sugar, butter and margarine instead of altogether avoiding these items. This ensures that you do not miss these items and your body does not go into a binging mode.2) Eat those vegetables - Green vegetables may not taste good but they have a lot of vitamins and roughage which are good for your body. Vitamins in vegetables can enhance your skin and make it seem younger. Eating a good amount of salad before your main meal helps fill the stomach, hence you end up eating a small amount of the main course. Since vegetables do not have excess calories they help you feel fuller and satisfied even though you have consumed a fewer amount of calories. Eating vegetables is one of the fast ways to lose weight.3) Exercise -. Many people dread exercise as they associate exercise with gymnasiums and body ache. Exercise can be fun and easy on the pocket. Walking and cycling is one of the oldest and best forms of exercise and walking for 15 minutes around the block is enough to start with. If you feel physically fit you can also play a game of squash or tennis with your friends. Climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator is another good form of exercise.4) Get enough sleep - Researches indicate that adults who get 8- 10 hours of sleep every night have a better metabolic rate then people who are sleep deprived. A person with a good metabolic rate can burn calories quickly. Sleep deprivation also causes a person to become anxious and tense and the person may resort to eating high calorie food to calm his nerves. People who sleep late at nights also tend to eat mid night snacks which leads to weight gain.