Monday, April 27, 2015

How do I lose Weight, fast? -

So far in the Summer, I gained like 3 pounds. I Eat regarly at meals, but sometimes I go overboard. Like I eat right before i go to bed, and then I wokrout and it makes me feel awful. I want to lose at least 5 lbs fast! But how? I need Help!

Exercise religiously and stop eating before you go to bed.

You should never eat before you workout! Try to eat at least every 3-4 hours, small meals. There is no fast way to doing it. Because if you starve your body and you lose your 5lbs, you will certainly gain all back again. Weightloss takes hard work and dedication whether it s 5lbs or more. Weightloss also has to do with your liver, when you feed your liver good food you lose weight. I drink cranwater when I wake up and before I go to bed, and I also bought lemons and I drink lemon water and another good thing for you is Flaxseed Oil. I also read in a book that a study was done on the liver, and a group of people drank the cranwater and lemon water throughout the day and also had at least 2 eggs a day, each person dropped 10 or more pounds. I did this and I lost 20lbs. BUT I also excercised hard, I jogged at least 15-30 minutes 4 times a week. Anyway, thats my opinion on that!amy

Eat small healthy meals and snacks every two hours and do not eat before bed time. Eat at least two hours prio to going to sleep and dont forget to hit the gym hard.

Cut something off. I would start with feet and work my way up until I had reached my goal weight.

I will always say do the south beach diet, it help me lose 20 lbs in 2 1/2 weeks

only eat fruits and veggies no white food. Bake meats if you eat meat no starches with it and a Little walking and that should do the trick.

try drinking green tea after every meal, especially if the meal consists of a lot of breads or pasta ( hi im italian :P) tea after/durning meals hinders ur body s ability to absorb calories from carbs :) so just add that to ur exercising and you ll be good. and if you get hungry before bed, warm green tea also makes you feel full and gives you a nice calm feeling b4 bed. good luck

stop eating and cardio cardio cardio. Do not lift wweights youll only bulk up

ok girl i have answered this question like a million times and check in resolved answer for ur answer because there are already billion questions like this DONT WASTE UR POINTS

well don t eat before you got o bed cause that would just make you fatter than what you are already

get off the computer and go for a jog

first of all, DO NOT starve yourself or skip meal. eat 3 meals and 2 snacks to keep your body s metabolism going (skip meal will slow down ur metabolism and harder for ur body to start agian to burn fat). do 20-30 minute cardio exercise (treadmills, ellipticals, etc) for 3-4 times a week.bottom line is , eat right, and exercise frequently.stay away from fried food, watch your carlories.

5 lbs should take 2 weeks. Eat regular meals. Try to drink a glass of water before the meal. Eat your meat and veggies first then sit back and drink another glass of water slowly before eating your starchy foods you should end up eating a lot less and feeling a lot fuller for longer. Stop all pop 1 8oz pop day can make you gain 2 lbs a week.

5 pounds will take about 1 week in a half- 2 weeks. just excerise and eat healthy. here are some excerises:push -upscruncheswalkingrunningbikingswimmingfoodsfruitsvegetablesgrilled chicken( not crispy)waterno sodasaladshope i helped!! fromGangster