Friday, September 18, 2015

How can i lose weight fast? -

i am desprate my reson is because i went to ballet today and my teacher called me fat so i need to lose weight please help!!!!! any way trying to b heathy but will not if i have to

Throwing up your meals is not such a great idea, caitlin. I read your previous answer to some other person s question and was shocked!Try visiting this link:��Its got the Top 3 weight loss programs. One of them guarantees a loss of 9 pounds in 11 days in a healthy manner. It will help you for sure

decrease eating and increase dieting or exercise dailymorning walk and running 2-3 hours daily

uh... if thats you in the photo i wouldnt worry about it... i would suggest getting a new ballet teacher, or if you really do think your fat, why dont you go see a health professional and get another opinion rather than taking that from an untactful and rude person

i m not proud of this, but yesterday i ate absolutely nothing and i lost 2kgs. so if you really need a quick fix, that s the way to go

that is not fat....that is like my goal weight at the moment and im 13, ur ballet teacher is just probably jealous....dont worry about it......

Just exercise a lot and eat healthy. It is nearly impossible to lose weight in a single day.

try the atkins

well if u weigh less than 80 u can go off uf head to ur teacher bacause ur not fat and thats slack but u can go on a diet

the key is diet diet and exercise.You need to eat 5-6 small meals a day. Eat some protein with each meal! Cut out all refined sugar!!! Also add more fiber. The fiber and protein will fill you up, helping you to cut down on your unhealthy eating. Also by eating more than 3 meals spread out through the day you will kick your metabolism in high gear. Here is a general meal for a day:Breakfast: 2 poached eggswhole wheat toast1/2 cup fruitSnack: Cottage Cheese with veggieLunch: Turkey, lettuce, tomato, whole wheat bread sandwich1/2 cup fruitSnack: Protein ShakeDinner: Turkey Burger ( no bun )Side of brown riceSide of Broc.Then exercise regularly 4-5 days a week. Do both cardio and lifting. But on days that you do both. Do lifting before your cardio and you will maximize your fat burn. Cardio can be a sport: basketball, soccer, football, anything with losts of movement. Golf is a no no.So Example :Monday - 30 mins lifting then 1 hr cardioTuesday - 1 hour liftingWednesday - RestThrusday - 30 mins lifting then 1 hr cardioFriday - 1 hour liftingSaturday - RestSunday - 30 mins lifting then 1 hr cardioFor exercises check out:http://www.xercisefactor.comThey have hundreds of exercise video clipsAlso check out the XGen to randomly generate a workout routine. You have to sign up, but it is free.