Saturday, February 20, 2016

How do i lose weight fast with out paying money and changing my lifestyle? -

im not the type of person to eat healthy but i know thats the key but i need help doing so i dont want to stop eating fun foods but i do want to eat a little healthyer with out spending any money someone please help

Cut down on the junk food, candy, chips, etc. Cut out the soda completely.Eat more fruits and vegies, drink more water.Take a walk every day or do some other exercise you enjoy.You ll lose weight and it won t cost you a penny!

Abs are built in the kitchen not the gym.You can run your butt off but if your post workout meal is a cappachino and donuts or beers and wings it isn t going to work.

try exercising , walking is one of the best one you can do ,and you don t have to stop eating your fun food just cut it down , don t have it everyday ,and if you want to lose it fast , try cutting the fast food out for 2 weeks ,, and try the meat , chicken , fish, and veg .see if that makes a difference , good luck

haha dosent everyone wish they knew the answer:P mabye just join a sport and get more active... that always works. dont give up fun food just even it out with how much active things you do!! have fun!!!

cut junk food, don t be lazy, learn why you gain weight, cut energy drink and acknowledge that when you do things with free resources you should cover it with your own time and work. nobody will do it for you unless you are miss world. but people will stop do things for miss world when she become mrs world or when they become last year miss world. check out my site for additional free resources on losing weight.

eating healhy can be fun food (I like fruit)but drink water instead of soda and stuff, and always drink some water before you eat (kick starts metabolism before you eat) and sometimes when you get a little hungry, you re actually thirsty, so go for water, (don t stop eating tho, but drink some water, even flovored water...... zero calories hmmmmmmmmm gooooood