Saturday, February 13, 2016

How do i lose weight faster im only 12 i weigh about 115? -

When i lose weight will i have extra skin if i do how do i get it off. and what s the normal weight for a 13 yr old? i turining 13 sept. and i m a dude

It depends on how fast you lose the weight, if you drop twenty pounds in a couple weeks then yes, your skin will probably seem a little lose. If u lose weight gradually, your skin is able to tighten along with you and chances are less likely that you will have extra skin. You re probably pretty close to normal weight for your age/gender... i wouldn t worry too much about losing weight.. just eat healthy, fruits and veggies. keep the junk food down. and get excercise everyday you can..

henry you must be at least 14yo to use Y!A, or your balls must have descended first.Don t worry about extra skin - a big gut is way worse than some extra skin - which at your age should bounce back.

You re at the ideal weight for someone your age and around 5 2 . And also, you don t wanna lose any fat, because you eventually start to get rid of necessary fat.

Why would you want to lose weight? Especially is you re a dude . You re going through puberty... that means your going to grow!!!

Kid , i am 17 yrs old and i am a girl. Don t loose weight , try lifting weights. Ill be honest with you , I am more attracted to a guy with muscles than a thin guy. Your weight is fine. Heck I am more attracted to a bigger guy than a thin guy. Not everyones like that but your a perfect weight. The older you get the more your grow . Don t worry about your weight, leave that to the girls.

it depends on how tall u r. and if u r 115 i doubt u will have extra skin. and are tryin 2 be skinny or have muscles

depends on your height...-if your really really short and obese you ll get flabby skin, but if your average to heavy then it s fine