Saturday, March 12, 2016

How can i lose weight fast ? -

im 14 5 6 and i weight around 155 .im a little over weight.i dont look horribly fat but i got quite the can i lose around 10-30 pounds in 2 weeks ?my grade 9 grad is in 2 weeks and i wanna look my best .please help.

Well, its practically impossible to lose 10-30 pounds in just 2 weeks. Losing weight needs time. Its not so easy that you work hard for 2 weeks and become thin. It will take few months to lose 20 pounds. As of now, eat healthy food and play some outdoor sports. That s all i can say for your age.

well it s kinda impossible to lose that much that quick. I would suggest getting something to wear for grad that looks great on you, like a special cut that slims your body a bit. I think a big thing is to lose the candy and other unnecessary sugary food/drinks. Fruit juices aren t that good for you and have almost as much sugar as soda. Drink water and eat fruits that you like when you re hungry. Be active everyday. join a sport you like, or just dance to music you like. good luck =].

U can lose around 2 lbs in two weeks. Make a begining and have patience.Eat well but only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. To have more satisfaction out of ur food, Chew each morsel at least 32 times. This will also activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals. Do not go on fast or starvation diet.Nothing other than water in between. No special diet, call it by any name or program helps as one cannot adopt them on permanent basis. Diet pills are chemicals and per se bad and shud be avoided unless the doc considers it necessary looking at ur condition.Take light exercises and brisk walks for 30 min.regularly preferably on empty stomach and twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time and hassle free. Be patient and not in a hurry. U cannot choose spots for reduction.This schedule can be adopted on permanent basis to lead a healthy life and maintain weight.

I just started doing tae bo about 2 weeks ago i want from a size 20 to 18 .. good luck =) will really help !!