Wednesday, April 20, 2016

How can i lose weight fast? -

ok people tell me to exercise regularly and keep at it i exercised for 8 months to see a 20lbs difference thats not cool wat is a effective fast way to lose weight im 5 9 or 5 10 i started out 2 years ago weighing 276 now i weigh 235 wat is a way to lose weight fast

Exersise. Burn more calories than you consume everyday. Eat some fruit instead of cookies. Make fruitshakes for dessert of for breakfast. They r healthy, and they taste good. Don t cut out important food groups! U don t wanna become an anorexic.

Oh I got this! I m 6 1 and 185lbs so I am a healthy height and weight however I had a pretty big friend that was struggling to lose weight and he would go to the gym all the time but his weight loss was very slow.He started the Cabbage Soup Diet and lost like 40lbs very, very fast and everyone was noticing how slim and good he looked. Out of all the fad diets and stuff I have never seen someone lose weight so fast. people will always have something negative to say about any diet but I m telling you that it works because I saw it with my own two eyes!

you easy on the desserts for a while.i now it made be hard to, since thanksgiving and christmas are coming up, but its one of the most effective ways to lose weight if your used to eating them.Eat ALOT more vegetables, but no matter what you eat, you got to make sure your not over eating. it doesnt matter if its healthy or not, over eating is ALWAYS bad for you.but like i said, give up desserts and soft more vegetables and eat smaller meals more often in the day.drink ALOT of water and keep up with your exercising.just try all this for a month or so and you ll se the difference.just remember it will only work if you stick with it and dont cheat!!!good luck=)

Most weight loss programs are going to take time, depending on how much you want to lose. I m currently using the South Beach Diet to lose the last few pounds I ve been trying to lose so I only need to be on it for like 2 weeks. Working out, eating healthier, no junk food or sodas will help a lot.I know one of my friends used to eat fast food and drink sodas all the time, decided to stop, and dropped weight really fast (almost looked like it was unhealthy how fast he dropped weight!).

Drink tons of water. Do not eat fast food. Stimulate your metabolism with many balanced meals instead of just a few high calorie meals. Also get enough fiber! Fiber is very important! Also no sugary drinks...Also, CARDIO, cardio, Cardio!that is enough to lose real weight fast. losing weight faster than natural is just water and will be gained back FAST

Eat a lot of salad to fill you up, you eat a little rice, try to eat turkey instead of meat, drink 8 glasses of water daily. Try to eat fruit when you are hungry. I herd a nutrittionist, she said that the liver stop working about 5:00 p.m. so that s why people who eat a heavy meal have to wait until the next day, so if you get hungry at night just eat a snack or some fruits, eat integral wheat bread instead of regular bread. The rest you may know is to make exercise. Just let me know how your doing. I lost 26 pounds, but I m only 5 , I weight 110 from 135, but I have diabetes type 2. I eat in small portion every two hours.

do a lot of exercise do not eat fatty food drink a lot of water n do not eat more than 3 plate of food the whole day n medicine for lose weight will not work .other ways to lose weight is go to a person who help people to lose their weight!

Eat nothing but steamed vegetables, and broiled fish. Eat one piece of fruit a day, and drink only water and take vitamins.

go exercise and eat light like if you go to McDonald get a salad instead of a sandwich people say if you don t eat you ll get skinny but its not true you ll just get hungry and no skinnier

you can try to drink some dieting tea and get a habit of excersing everday~

drink water instead of everything else you drink and drink a lot of it

Trying running on the treadmill and walking. Trying cutting down on eating sugar and drink lots of water.

No more sugar, no more soda, eat breakfast for your metabolism.

Try a cup of green tea in the morning and before bed. It has worked for me. I weighed almost 300 and now I am down to 210:)

Order the salad at McDonalds instead of the big mac meal.

eat bread and water