Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How to lose weight with diet pill? -

helpppp mee

Train Hard is correct. You must exercise also. If you just take the diet pills you will lose weight but the problem is when you stop taking them you will gain the weight back plus some.

Diet pills are not good, In fact only 15 to 30% of vitamins and minerals in any pill form are absorbed by the human body . To see how this translates, if you take 100mg tablet , your body will only get 8.3% concentrated in the blood, as compared to 98% if you consume a liquid product or shake which allows the body to utilize all the vitals nutrients. So where does the rest of the vitamins and minerals go that your body didn��t absorb from the pill? Well, In Tacoma Washington 250,000 Ibs of undigested pill are pulled out of the sewers every six weeks, and in Salt Lake City, Over 150 gallons of vitamins pill show up in their filters every month .I looked around and I found that the best way to lose weight after making the decision and setting your goal is to maintain a good balanced nutrition of vitamins, minerals, herbs, proteins ,amino acids and antioxidants to reach optimum performance throughout the day without gaining weight, I lost weight with the help of powder nutrition supplement that ensure quick ,optimal absorption for improved efficiency, it contains vitamins, minerals , protein (amino acids) and herbs and it is from food so any one can take them with no side effect whatsoever.suzantasros@ymail.com

I would suggest green tea extracts by applied nutrition. You can get a months supply for around $10. (They sell them at Walmart) They really do help. They have caffeine in them too but the EGCG is standardized to be 50% of the green tea extract. The EGCG will help boost your metabolism as will the caffeine. However, I d stay away from getting additional caffeing from anything else. I ve been taking them for a few days and have noticed a big difference in energy. I m probably going to take them for a month and then skip a month so that my body doesn t get used to it and they ll keep working. :)Just like everyone else is saying nothing is going to make you lose weight and be healthy if you re not trying to eat correctly and get excercise. Green tea extract will help you burn about an extra 100 calories a day. Add that to having 6 meals a day instead of 3 and you re metabolism will be faster. Add cardio and weight training and you ll be set. :) Oh... and plenty of water. About two liters of day. You have to stay hydrated! If your not into taking pills you can brew your own green tea instead.

Diet pills dont work. They ruin your metabolism so you cant lose wait ever again without pills and they also can damage many of your organs. Just dont use them. Start of my changing to healthier foods and walking 30 minutes everyday.

unfortunately and CONTRARY to media advertisements there isnt no DIET PILLS that work consistently even if it works for a few days it has its negative side effects

Diet pills only work if you work out 5-7 days a week and your diet is absolutely perfect.