Thursday, May 19, 2016

What else can I do to lose weight? -

I m 5ft 6 and weigh 160lb (around 11 and a half stone) I ve limited my calorific intake to around 700calories for the past fortnight. I ve been working out burning around 350 calories a day, yet I haven t lost much weight, around 2-3lbs. Is there anything else I can do to lose weight fast, as I am going on holidays in 3 weeks?

Yes you can stop eating carbs. Your weight will plummet.

You re not eating enough. Double your caloric intake and you ll be much healthier.Dieting isn t a good way to live. The best way to live is for health. Do you want to be the healthiest you can be?Your body was made to know how to take care of itself. With that in mind, try the following to get down to the ideal size FOR YOU.*Only eat when you re truly hungry. Wait for your stomach to growl before eating.*Cease eating when you are no longer hungry - before feeling full.*Eat plenty of fruits and veggies, as well as some form of protein.*Exercise several times a week for your heart health and overall body health.Follow these tips and listen to your body and you ll eventually become the healthiest size for your particular body.

You need to eat some more calories aim for 1200 calories, when your only giving your body 700 calories a day it is going to hold on them so you won t see any results because it needs them and more. Just keep doing what you are doing when you have any spare time maybe go for a walk or do some jumping jacks to *** in some extra cardio, the weight will fall off as soon as you add in a few calories.

working out is not the best way i think, you need something stronger. i entered box and there had lost weight. i think you must enter on some kinde of sport wich makes all body to move, and push on it every day. always try to eat as less as you can; and you will have good results in first month.

Burning calories was much easier for me when I started utilizing acai berry. I understand they say that pills will not work, however they definitely worked for me, and they ve been shown on the Rachael Ray Show too. There s a free trial happening currently at , try it out, what have you got to lose?

Ignore the crystal meth answer..that stuff just disolves you from the inside out...Just go for alcoholism....3 bottles of vodka a day, every day...No mixers,no carbs, no food, uncontrolled vomiting , no bowel functions, endless oblivion..and above all else you wont care about your weight or anything else for that matter..the only exercise required is the daily trips to the off license

Losing weight takes time. But if its three weeks... then just exercise more in stint sessions rather than everyday... some days push for more... and then the next day take it easier.. maybe a run or a walk. Drink lots of water, cut out booze. Sleep lots and as said before restrict carbs! Cals aren t everything... saturated fats and carb content are big factors!

One time I lost 80lbs in 2 weeks by taking crystal meth and not eating. It might not be that good for you but it sure takes off the pounds.

get some t5 t4 stackers ive lost 2stone in a month on them,they are legal xgood luck

use wii fit.