Thursday, June 16, 2016

What exercise is most affective to lose weight fast??? -

i want to know the best way to lose weight so yea thats why im asking lol thanks to the people who reply!!

The best way to lose weight quickly and safely is to eat about 500 fewer calories per day than you normally eat to maintain your weight and get plenty of exercise. Ideally, combine a good aerobic exercise (such as brisk walking or jogging) with strength training. The exercises help your body maintain lean muscle mass and even build it while you lose fat. You can sign up for free on and there you ll find activity and nutrition programs you can adapt to your needs. Good luck.

Lifting weights because if you build muscle then your muscle will burn more calories. Running is better than jogging because you burn more calories for longer when your heart is pumping. Also,you should have said its effective not affective.