Saturday, August 13, 2016

How to lose weight fast? -

I recently gained twenty pounds. I want it off, and I want if off now. I dont care what I have to do. (i m very healthy either way)

go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on yourinitial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If you don t eat wheat then you don t eat all those sticky, fatty goey cakes, you don t eat junk food, and you don t eat biscuits. But your diet isstill balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to calculate points or to buy special meals or plans.

I lost 25 pounds switching to a whole foods, plant-based diet. It was easy and no calorie counting or starvation. As long as I eat the right foods, the weight stays off.The website below has a Quick Weight Loss Tab to get you started and also a Meal Plans tab so you know what to eat. Good luck and I m glad to hear you are healthy.

drink lots of water and cut back on the soft drinks. also try eat half of what you normally eat and try the lemonade diet. its hard but does mix 8oz of water a pinch of cayenne pepper. add more or less for taste. buy grade b syrup and put two teaspoons and half of a organic lemon. try the smooth move diet once or twice a day and you ll get instant results. you ll be in the bathroom nonstop. also try dinking 44oz of water in the morning with a tablespoon of salt water. tastes nasty but works. hope it helps

Do the little Jack workout��

I lost 6 lbs in a week on the idiot proof diet. I think the website is