Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I NEED to know how to lose weight, Fast!!!!!? -

I know i don t have a lot of time but i need to do it in the next week and a halfI will be in a bikini all summer so i need to do it fastplease don t suggest me to starve myself Thanks

Do as much cardio as you can. Cardio will help you drop weight fast. To drop even more, do your cardio in intervals. It will shock your system allowing you to get the maximum out of your workout. If you have access, try cycling. This is the best cardio workout you could do because most of your muscles are having to work.As for food, drink a lot of water and only water as your beverage. I ve seen people switch to water as their only beverage and lose 10 pounds while doing nothing else. Also, try to stay away from pastas, mayo, and fried foods. They tend to sit in your fat and cause you to look heavier than you actually are. Of course, try to get in a good amount of veggies and fruits. These will help in the weight loss process. Good luck.

Start running six days a week, the seventh should still be a cardio (biking, swimming, elliptical, something that gets your heart going but doesnt really pound your legs) but not running since your legs need time to recoverYou don t have to starve yourself but you need to watch what you eat. The main thing you have to watch for is snacking. You can eat 3 meals a day, just don t be munching on crap all day. Even the 3 meals should be reasonable portions. Eat slowly, use smaller plates so youre not apt to fill up a big plate all the way. And drink lots of water. An easy way to make sure you re getting enough is if your urine is clear, if it s yellow then you are dehydrated. Don t worry about gaining weight by drinking water because it s just water, you ll pee it out eventually.

Either the Atkins or Mayo Clinic diet rapidly takes off weight. In the Mayo Clinic diet, you drink 8oz of Grapefruit juice for breakfast as well as 2 eggs and 2 pieces of bacon. For lunch, you drink 8oz of Grapefruit juice and eat a salad with any dressing, but low in sugar and meat of any kind, and same for dinner. You can eat green vegetables instead of salad if you want. Grapefruit juice works as a catalyst and burns the fat. There are foods to avoid, like starchy food. If you follow the diet exactly, you will lose 5 lbs on the 5th day and 1 and a half pound every 2 days. Stay on the diet for 12 days and off for 2 days. It is similar to the Atkins diet, and a high protein, low carb diet, along with the grapefruit catalyst burns fat rapidly. Below is the plan or you can go to this link�� I like this diet because you lose weight and you actually can eat a lot of food :)New Mayo Clinic Diet Although the New Mayo Clinic Diet has spread like wilfdfire and is responsible for millions of pounds in weightloss, the Mayo Clinic reports it, did not originate at Mayo Clinic, nor is it, approved by Mayo Clinic. BREAKFAST: 1/2 grapefruit or 8oz unsweetened juice. 2 Eggs any style 2 Slices of bacon Black coffee or tea, no sugar LUNCH: 1/2 grapefruit or 8oz unsweetened juice. Salad and or raw veggies (any dressing, {not low fat or fat free}) Meat (Cooked any way) DINNER: 1/2 grapefruit or 8oz unsweetened juice. Meat (cooked any way) Vegetables (any green or red, may be cooked in butter or Seasoning or a salad as above) Black coffee or tea, no sugar BEDTIME: (opt) 8oz Tomato juice or skim milk INSTRUCTIONS: 1. At any meal you may eat until you are full, and you can not eat anymore. You must eat the minimum listed listed at each meal. 2. Do not eliminate anything from the diet, especially don t skip the bacon at breakfast or omit salads. It is the combination of foods that burn the fat. 3. The grapefruit is important because it acts as a catalyst that starts the burning process. 4. Cut down on coffee, it affects the insulin balance that hinders the burning process. Try to limit to one cup each meal. 5. Don t eat between meals, if you eat the combination of food suggested, you will not get hungry. 6. The diet may eliminate sugars and starches. Fat does not form fat, it helps burn it, so you can fry food in butter and use butter generously on vegetables. 7. Do not eat desserts, breads and white vegetables of sweet potatoes. You may double or triple helpings of meat, salads or vegetables. Eat till you are stuffed. The more you eat the more weight you will lose. 8. There may be no weight loss in the first 4 days, but you may lose 5 pounds on the 5th day. You may lose 1 and 1/2 pounds every two days until you reach your goal. 9. DRINK EIGHT 8oz GLASSES OF WATER EVERY DAY. 1/2 GALLON. THIS DIET IS SAID TO BEEN GIVEN TO HEART PATIENTS NEEDING TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST FOR BY-PASS SURGERY. ALL SOFT DRINKS NEED TO BE DIET AND CAFFEINE FREE. YOU MAY NOT HAVE: White onions, potatoes, celery, peas, cereal, carrots, corn, starchy vegetables, bread, noodles, rice, potato chips, pretzels or fruit or diet dressing. YOU MAY HAVE: Red onions, bell peppers, radishes, broccoli, cucumbers, green onions, leaf spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, green beans, lettuce, chili (no beans) mayonnaise, any cheese, hot dogs, cole slaw, regular salad dressing, green vegetables, 1tsp nuts, dill or bread and butter pickles. IMPORTANTSTAY ON DIET 12 DAYS AND STOP FOR 2 DAYS

Exercise and the fast way is to count your fat grams Eat between 20 and 30 grams a day eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Watch your bread intake and good luck

They make big bikinis.Eat a higher percentage of your calories as protein. AS high as 50%. Then exercise for 30-60 minutes per day. Cardio one day, strength the next. 1 day per week of rest.

You should have thought about this sooner as you cannot lose large amounts of weight, the healthy way, in a week or two.Just be happy with your body and start exercising, now!

stop eating beef and eat only fresh fruit and vegatables . Increase fiber intake . I use Fiber one bars to eat during the day as a snack .

Check out the fat burning Fat X diet and workout plan. The workout videos and diet are free at..