Saturday, August 27, 2016

The fastest way to lose weight in a couple of hours.? -

school is tomorrow nd i still want to get skinnier. wat r sum ways to lose weight fast. BESIDES RUNNING.

it takes to long to lose weight and if you lose it more in the school year and then more people would notice that you look skinner

There is no such thing, but you can still do something so you will feel skinnier, have a laxative tea tonight, and by tomorrow you will be empty, and some natural water pill to eliminate the excess of water. That is all you can do.

haha aww im sorry but i dont think its that possible unless you didn t eat much today (which sometimes works for me?) .. why don t you try dressing to make yourself look skinnier, than work out every day after school

ahh sorry to say bt unless u can get a genie,u wont be able to lose any wait that soon...

You can t lose weight enough for it to be visible in one day. It takes time to lose weight. Also, if you lose weight fast, you can gain it back just as fast. Try excercising every day, eat healthy, drink healthy, be healthy. If you have tried this for at least a month and it doesn t work, you may want to ask about some type of weight loss pill, but only do this if nothing else works.

Run in a trash bag and you ll lose alot of water weight.