Sunday, October 23, 2016

Fat X 12 Day Weight Loss Program? -

has anyone tried it??? did you get good result?? this program i found in youtube. i am starting to do it today and i wanted to know if you get results in the 12 days. how much weight did you lose and did you get ripped as well??

Buddy come on you are smarter than that! it took you years to pack the weight on. Do you truly think You are going to lose it in 12 days. i am LOL-ing right now.I know I know, when I was younger I was also looking for a quick fix myself. I loved pepsi and food to much.You need to realize that you are rationalizing and that in order for you to not only lose weight but also get ripped and stay that way you need to change your lifestyle.So, for starters try a sane nutritional system. Persoanlly I use this: is free to read and is a full version.Also, go to and start reading. They got the best articles on this stuff period.I know i was kind of harsh, but at least I am being onest, not like the first answer. Come one, he cannot fu*king spell right.

For tips on how to lose weight at home without exercisingu can refer to dis website u ll find so many tips for weight lose n detox diets...try them n lose weight easily

If you are looking for something that really works...try this. I have had success with it so far! luck. let me know how it goes.

give this prgram a try