Monday, October 17, 2016

Is it true that a person initially gains weight at the beginning of weight loss programs? -

Because of increase in muscle?When can I expect the weight loss to start happening?

yeah that s trueit ll happen for 2 weeksmaybe a little morebut eventually the muscle will start burning fatdon t worry

I dont know if its a FACT but I know it happens. I had a friend that did gain about 3-4 lbs on the Core4 system but now she is down 11 from her starting point so from her highest point she has lost 15 lbs and this is in about 2 months.I personally think that the Core4 System found at has the best system for many reasons.They have 4 products that work together to target those extra pounds for 4 different ways to give you maximum results.Best of all they offer a 90 day money back guarantee on their products so you have nothing to lose other than those extra pounds :)I have personally lost 18.7 lbs in 2 months and my wife has lost 14 in 9 weeks and the best part is we have not had to change our diet at all. that s the cool part about their system. you pretty much get to eat the sames foods you have been eating for your whole life and you still lose weight.

Yeah because it those not automatically start with that. But on fast metabolism method you can easily feel or detect that you are losing weight.

Yeah, In the Beginning stage it will happens. But, After 3,4 weeks your body will set for the weight loss program and you will feel normal.