Thursday, November 24, 2016

I need advice on how to stop snacking,especially at night.How can I stop? Please dont say eat veggies ...? -

For example I have eaten 3 pieces of chocolate cake today and 3 cups of milk.I was on a week long diet,with no soda,just water and small portions of food the week before xmas and now I am just eating everything.What can I do to get these cravings out of my head.I am a night owl,I stay up all night.I have taken sleeping pills and tried forcing myself to sleep,but I just cannot.So at night,that is when I really snack.I was told not to eat after 8pm,but I am still awake long after that,how am I suppose to avoid snacking??? Now we are in a recession and I lost my job and there are no jobs where I am at,so I am financially in trouble right now.Is this depression,I sleep during the day and very upset with my life.I feel very old at 24 years old.No love life,just food for now.My body has flopped,Please offer your positive advice.Thanks in advanceGive me some ideas on how I can lose weight quickly,yet healthy,please,Is drinking 1 gallon of water a day too much water?I was told that is too much.I just need some guidance,please help.

All starvation diets do is make you hungry. Your body gets used to havign no food and works harde at saving what it can get. If you can keep this up for a year, then you will get used to it, but few people can. Instead, they do what you do, and eat a lot when they can, and their body, which is starving for food, stores it all asa fat.Instead, take all that food you are eating at once at nght, and break it up into small snacks over the course of the day. That not eating after 8 PM thing is only for folks who eat 3 big meals a day or less and lead sedentary lives.Do something to lead a more active life. If you have to travel a mile or less (say, to the store, the post office, a friend s house, etc), walk quickly instead of driving. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. If you like in a walk-up, walk up an extra flight each time you go up the stairs. Do 10 jumping jacks tomorrow morning, and every morning for a week. The next week do 20. After that, do 30. Then start looking for other type of jumping jacks. Get a jump rope. POut a stationary bike in front of your TV and pedal when you watc. Put a couple of 5-10 lb dumbells around yoru house and lift them whenever you pass by them. Get a pair of indian clubs and learn how to swing them. Hitting a punching bag can burn as many calories as jogging without the wear and tear on your legs.Here s anoher good one: When you feel the urge to eat, do 30 jumping jacks, 10 squats holding a chair in front of you and lifting it over your head when you stand, 10 bicep curls with each arm lifting the chair, and finish off with 10 push ups (from your knees if doing them from your feet is too tough. Then eat. Do this routine every day for a week or two and it will start getting easy, then add more motions tot he routine, different kinds of puch ups, lifting or swinging different pieces of furniture in different ways.I lost 15 lbs in the past three months by taking a job that had me standing and walking all day and eating less, rather than sitting at a desk.So go ahead and nibble, snack even, but in small doses over the course of the day and night, and move your body more. As you gain ability to do things (run, lift weights, do more jumping hjacks, whatever), you will gain greater self-esteem and will start noticing the change in your body.

I used everything to lose weight, and nothing worked until I used acai berry. I know they say that pills do not work, but they sure worked for me, and they ve been showcased on CBS News too.There s a free trial happening currently at , try it out, what is the worst that could happen?

when you feel hungry at night, drink a glass of water. During the day, quit drinking soda pop, even Diet soda pop. Drink water. Buy you some Oatmeal cereal. When you feel hungry during the day, eat some of it. Or buy some Cheerios, or Special K cereal. When you get hungry, have a bowl of cereal. Or eat some dry. About an hour or 2 hours before you go to bed, take a shower. That will help you sleep better at night.

A gallon of water is probably excessive, yes. I am so sorry to hear about your job situation; it could very well be depression. Try to keep a positive outlook and just know that the future WILL be better, I promise. Everyone is having tough times right now, including me. I have the same problem when it comes to nighttime cravings. Here is what I suggest: First, try to distract yourself. Write in a journal, read a book, watch a movie (not tv because there are too many food ads), etc. If that doesn t work, then try making a pot of tea or drinking a big glass of water, or having a diet soda. If you re STILL hungry after that, there ARE some foods you can eat without ruining your whole day. They are:A great big pickle: 5 calories1 cup of Orville Reddenbacher s Smart Pop Popcorn: 15 caloriesA cup of sugar free JELLO: 10 caloriesYou could eat a cup of JELLO, a cup of popcorn, AND a great big pickle and you will only have consumed 30 calories! No big deal, and you have had something to fill you up a little. I hope things get better for you hun! Hang in there!

My Dear, you do need some guidance, but there just isn t room in here. I would like to talk to you more.. could you pitch me an email? I would love to talk to you and help you sort through all of this.Sometimes it s easier for those of us on the outside looking in, than it is for you who is emotionally involved.I hope to hear from you.