Saturday, November 26, 2016

Wight loss motivation what program is good? -

what weight loss program is good i mean really good that doesnt exactly leave me broke every WEEK. BUT I NEED alot of motivation so no online stuff

I think Weight Watchers is the best. But, you really have to go to the meetings because that is what will really motivate you to lose the weight. I pay 13 per week. But, when you reach your weight loss goal, you become a lifetime member and it becomes free. You still have to weight in once a month though. If you gain the weight back, you lose your lifetime membership and you have to start paying again. What better motivation to keep the weight off?

I would say weight watchers. I m not sure how much it costs, but i think you would push yourself to lose weight to lose as much as you can in the first 3-month period, and then follow through with it and do the rest on your own.Lauren 3Plus you wouldn t want to go to the meeting and find out that you gained weight!