Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How to lose weight faster? -

Hi everyone, my name is justin, mass: 87kg/191lbs, height: 180 cmI am now 17 years old and I just started exercising using a treadmill 30minutes/day in 5days/week.My objective is to get slim and fit and my targeted mass is around 60kg-70kg.so, how to achieve my objective faster? how to improve the weight loss?thx in advance for your helps, i really appreciate it

Do you see the box near the top of the page?The one labelled Search for questions: ?Well type in lose weight .You will find over 20,000 preexisting questions.Try the misspellings loose weight and there are another 5,500.In all there are over 60,000 Health section questions requesting solutions to being or thinking you might be overweight.On average these each yield 6 answers, that is over 360,000 answers.I can usefully summarise these answers in 4 words:EAT LESS DO MORE. Are you desperate enough to try this???

Hi Justin :)Diet is really important for weight loss, so what are you eating? *Cut out sugar, simple carbs, and starch (note: when buying bread, make sure the first thing on the ingredients list is whole wheat , rather than enriched wheat )*With meat, stick to chicken breast, lean turkey, fish, and egg whites. Red meat is bad for you.*Dairy should be low fat or fat free. *Eat lots of fruits and veggies (no corn, carrots, or potatoes - except sweet potatoes)*Google best foods for weight loss Make sure you are also lifting weights, strength training, and stretching as well. The internet actually has a lot of work out videos if you need help in this area.GOOD LUCK :)

take soda and all junk and fast food out of your diet will make it much easier to lose weight. also try lifting some weights do some arm curls bench press millitary press sit ups those will help alot. and there are alot of differant types of differant ab workouts you can do so you wont get bored and for those recomending pills for weight loss those pills are only making you lose water weight so thats not good why do u think they took those one pills of the market. forgot what there called.

If you know correct weight loss info and program, weight loss is easy. If you are really serious, you should have easy weight loss program that works for you. I recommend you my weight loss program for you. I lost 11 pounds in 30 days and it was very easy. You can do it too. You can find more info at link below.

Weed out calories you ve been overlooking: spreads, dressings, sauces, condiments, drinks, and snacks. These calories count, whether or not you ve been counting them, and could make the difference between weight gain and loss.