Wednesday, February 22, 2017

How can i lose weight while getting stronger? -

I am 5ft 7in and 135 pounds and i need to get ready for volleyball tryouts by can i lose weight fast?! and for my height am i overweight?

look fisrt relax, second leave strict diets alone they wont work, trust honey. all you need to do is cut what you eat in half and drink alot of water after each meal so your body can get rid of the toxins, work out regularly of 3 times weekly make sure you sweat alot. next thing to do set a work out routine in bicpes triceps, you can even do pushups or crunches, or lift weights, there u go, you lose weight and get stronger =]=] thats it.

no actually im over weight im 5 7 and i weigh 160 so pleeease answer my ?;��

weight lift. you can actually loose weight and get smaller. just don t over do it.