Tuesday, February 21, 2017

How do you lose weight fast? -

I am not overweight, but I would like to be skinnier. What are some healthy foods that I can eat?

there is no one thing or things to eat. Eat a well balanced meal BEFORE your hungry. Combine well balanced nutrition with a motivated workout, both cardio and weight training.

Drink a lot of water all day especially before meals. It helps you to fill up and you will eat less. Eat fruits and veggies, they keep you filled up longer. Dont snack and dont over eat but dont under eat. Chew (sugar free) gum, that helps me to not snack.

Darlin,U didn t say how big U think U ???? Whisch leaves us guessing...hmmmmmm...Why, I ask myself??? hmmm.Well, lets all pray ur e not shooting for real skinny...like anorexia??When U want to tell us what is going on so we re not assuming.....which is not not good....let Us know....Good Luck!!!

raw carrots and 94% fat free pop corn

umm..oatmeal, cream of wheat, whole grain products

definitely fruit, watch out for veggies to not be greasy in salads, also eat yogurts they taste good and don t get u fat but slimmer all these satisfy the stomach and should slimming the body but make sure to exercise

cabbage soup

fruits and veggies of course, lean cuisine, healthy choice frozen foods are your best bet when your in a hurry, and they taste really good.absolutely no sodas, just water.no fast food AT ALL,no candies or sweets.have special K for breakfast,the first bowl usually tastes kinda gross if your used to chocolately cereals, but it tastes good after about 2 days.actually, try going on the special k diet.and make sure you work out!45 minutes to an hour!

There is no way to lose weight fast (in a healthy manner), losing fat would be a gradual process and will need patients.Fresh foods will be your healthy foods, vegetables, fruits, meats.Start your day off with protein such as eggs, avoid any foods that are sugary (cereals) and fruits, this will cause you to crash later on that morning, they don t provide the right energy source for a body that is breaking it s fast from sleeping.

Fruits and veggiesDiet pills...I m taking hydroxycut and they work so far I v lost 20 pounds

whole wheat, lots of fruit and vegetables (but skip bananas, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, corn, and peas), and lean meats like fish and chicken. skip butter, red meat, white bread, white rice, or any bleached starch products. don t try to lose weight fast because it will screw up your metabolism and you ll end up gaining weight later even if you lose it immediately. plus, metabolism shocks can affect your metabolism for the rest of your life.

hold your breath


Get up and sweat doing something Go outside if it is safe where you live and take a fast brisk quick step walk NO walk in the park on a Sunday afternoon kind of walkWalk starting with 2 miles you can walk 1 mile in 20 minutes so big deal with 2 do it and see. Keep records on a wall calendar.=======----=====------==========

well honestly thats me i am not fat but i would love to be skinny this is what i am doing and it work for me its call banana diet its like banana shake with skim milk for 5 daYs three times a day and u will drop 2 to 3 pounds in a week hope it works for u

u cannot lose weight fast by using healthy food,but if u want to lose it very fast u can follow Atkins s diet(not healthy) at all

when u lose weight fast it is often done in an unhealthy manner and in the long run u will just gain it right back however if u just want to look a few pounds lighter for a special occasion or something try the cottage cheese diet ya just eat fat free cottage cheese for however many days if ur not a fan of cottage cheese try the cranbery juice diet you eat nothing but craberry juice GOOD LUCK!

Someone told me about the seaweed...green tea also but I am not sure...I think a balanced diet will allow you to loose the extra fat...you also can use extra virgin olive oil instead of any other fat....keep your meals at fixed time.....Hope this can help u Good luck

umm... yogurt, oatmeal, cereal, granola bars, fruit veggies, water, i guess anything natural oh whole grains.

Go to realage.com and check out YOU: on a diet.

if u want a temporary fix for a special occasion u can cut salt completely from your diet that means no processed foods or anything that has sodium in it and drink 8 glasses of water a day and u will lose a noticable amount of weight pretty fast unfortunately soon after u start eating salt again u will gain it all back hope this helps

EXERICISE!!! THE BEST WAY!! dont eat diet pills.... they re bad for ur body.. TRUST ME!!