Sunday, February 12, 2017

What is a good weight loss drug to take to lose weight fast? -

There are no good drugs to lose weight fast. The South Beach Diet has a pretty fast drop the first two weeks, but check with your doctor first. Basically, though, it s always going to come down to Eat less. Exercise more. There is no magic pill to lose weight. If there was, there wouldn t be so many obese people.

hi check this website out this might help you a href=�� Here /a

Hi,I am a detox specialist and I specialize in helping people lose weight.The easiest and FASTEST way I know to lose weight is to detox.Losing weight via drugs is dangerous and has many side effects on your health in long run.I myself have lost 33 pounds within 2 mths doing a detox.My mentor also lost 15 pounds within a week doing the detox ;)A detox is healthy because it brings balance back to your body and losing weight is just a by product of the detox. So at the end of the detox, you will find yourself get more energetic, healthier, more radiant looking as well.And the detox is simple. All you need to do is three things.Number one, follow the detox programme which requires you to change your diet a little bit. Eg, take more vege and less meat and seafoods.Number two, use 1 minute a day to take some natural health foods that I take to enhance the speed and the effect of the detox.Number three, drink lots of water to flush the toxins out..And that s it.The rest is up to you.So what do you think? ;)If you are keen to find out more about my detox programme, you can email me at verityy@yahoo.comPS: It is ok to go on a low fat and fibre diet while on this detox programme.

Weight-loss drugs are DANGEROUS! So is losing weight fast. Don t mess around with your health. Follow a proper diet prescribed for you by your doctor or a nutritionist the doctor refers you to, and start an exercise program - which can be as mild as walking for half an hour twice a day.

That s the lazy way out, and not only that but these supposed weight loss drugs either don t work or leave you looking like Fat Bastard at the end of Austin Powers in Goldmember.

Diet is 80% of the battle. The other 20% is exercise. No drug will help you lose weight without a healthy diet and exercise. The only thing I can recommend to take during your workouts or throughout the day is Green Tea and/or Caffeine.- Get enough protein or the weight you lose will be muscle- Stay away from anything processed- No white flour/potatoes/rice- Eat smaller meals- Big Breakfast, Small DinnerIf you do those among other things, you should lose weight. But there is no pill that makes you lose weight alone. You need a healthy diet and exercise to lose weight.

NONE. The only healthy way to lose weight is through diet, exercise, and gradual weight loss. If you re wanting something more than that you re going to do major damage to your body. If you are obese, losing weight too fast can do irreparable damage to your heart. I d recommend seeing a trainer and dietitian instead of wasting your money on pills. They can help you set up manageable and reasonable weight loss goals and achieve your weight loss in a healthy way. Expect to lose a lot of weight in your first week of a weight loss program, and then weight drop will level off to about 2 pounds a week for the average person. Taking weight loss pills is only a temporary answers to a larger issue. Instead, you need to think about changing your lifestyle and becoming a healthier person. That way, the weight will drop off and you can feel good about accomplishing your goal.

nun, you have to do it naturally

Not one that is safe.If there was one that was safe and worked, obesity would not be such a problem.