Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How to lose weight immediately??? -

the truth is i really hate being fat so i really want to diet but hooww??? and in an efficient manner???

one quick fix is to drink lots of water...if you don t already...replace your soda or coffee with water instead. And by simply doing 20 minutes of activity....even if its just walking up the stairs instead of the elevator at know, whatever. it ll help. and of course diet and exercise...if you really want results asapand i dont mean crash sugar...not like thatjust eating veggies instead of chips at lunch,...healthier eating is all it takesgoodluck! (to the both of us!)

You don t lose weight immediately.. the healthiest way is like, 2 pounds a week. But really, that adds up after a while. You can safely lose 25 pounds in 3 months by cutting carbs and sugar completely, drinking tons of water, and exercising at least 3 times a week. It s hard, but the fact is, if you want to be fit, you have to do it hard.

I have found a very motivating FREE website, , which is really helping me. I enter what I ate that day and their computers tell me if I am in the correct calorie range for my weight, if I have had enough protein, carbs and fat, etc.I can eat what I want. Tonight I am very low in some areas so I have to make myself a jam sandwich! (Can t use peanut butter this time--that will put me over limits.)Not bad, eh?

Well I m on a LOW CARB DIET- I need to lose weight VERY quickly because I have a prom in less than 4 weeks.It is very tiring- but as far as I know it is the FASTEST form of weight loss- and the weight goes from the places you want it to go from like your stomach. :DI m having less than 15g carbs per day (basically it s all from green vegtables).I eat LOADS of cheese, the odd egg, nuts- tomatoes and green vegetables.To survive drink diet coke/ other and sugar free squash.I m going to start having 1200 calories a day (I had been having 800- but felt faint).It should come off quickly- but relies on a pretty sedentry lifestyle- cos you don t have enough energy to think if you waste it exercising. :DIt s working.I m losing like a pound a day- and I have a healthy BMI so yeah- if your BMI says you re overweight- you ll lose even more weight.However- it require 100% dedication- the first 2 days are tough- get rid of all carbs from your house/ sight. Forget they exist until you have lost ALMOST ALL the weight you need to.Then SLOWLY introduce carbs back into your diet- starting with fruit and wholegrains.Them slowly reduce the low carb food back to normal and eat nice healthy carbs with the odd unhealthy treat.

Eat smaller portions and healthier foods, and exercise more. Don t drink any soda-pop, but do drink lots of water.

c its very simple.whenever u feel hungry drink a lot of water.and listen and try to dance at fast tracks songs.this wud b really profitalble

There is no such thing as losing weight immediately. The key....exercise and water. It works. Cutting soda will help a lot. You can loose around 20 pounds. Drink water. If this is too plain for you, then add a piece of lime. It taste good.