Sunday, May 28, 2017

Why do celebrities always seem to lose weight fast? -

I go to a gym, and have a personal trainer eat very healthy... so why can t i lose weight fast like them... what is the celebrity secret???

There is no secret, they are just like us. They just exercise like crazy, they hirer the best of the best to push them. There career is on the line, and they have to make sure they please their audiences. There is no room for a day off of exercise for them. They work hard, and all you have to do is adopt their work ethic.

lyposuction.. working out constantly. flying around...and all that..and they have very STRICT trainers.

cos they dont have anything else to do rather than keeping fit and looking good. That is their job to look fit otherwise they cant when u are doing something 24hrs then u are bound to achieve it..And they dont have any worries like normal human beings.cos their only worry is looking fit and attractive in films..other than that they dont seem to have any..but whereas we have all kinda tensions and keep thinking about them and this affects our health.

they have many world class trainers working around them their diet etc is strict

They have loads of money and can get plastic surgery. Most of these celeb s dont have a healthy diet and starve themselves. Do what your doing, lose it slow and it will be very hard to puy back on. Take it one step at a time, you ll be rewarded in the long run.Besides would you rather be unhealthy dieting or be healthy?

well, maybe some of them opt for plastic surgery too.. if your goal is to lose weight fast, then i guess you d have to make really drastic changes/sacrifices to see the results fast. otherwise, if your goal is to be healthier and to be toner, i d suggest the slow but sure method. regular exercise n healthy eating habits.. at least its somethin you can stick to, in the long run.. not just some diet fad that comes and go... and then u end up feeling discouraged and turn to other bad things for solace... what is your actual goal with regards to this?

try to be a public figure and u will lose ur weight in a fast

Celebrities can afford personal trainers and they can also afford to eat a very strict diet that sometimes is being cooked by a personal chef.

you want to know the secret?lipo suction and purgingand if you want to know why they look good its because of surgery and botox and alot of makeup.