Sunday, August 13, 2017

Do you think that eating oat meal once a day of everyday and drinking water would help me to lose weight fast -

because i m trying to lose weight before school starts august 24

If you re really committed to losing weight, you have plenty of time to drop a few pounds by August 24th. Losing about a pound or two a week is the most you can hope for (meaning 7-14 pounds by August 24), and that s if you watch your calorie intake and exercise frequently. I don t believe oatmeal and water is the key to losing weight, but here s a great website that can get you started on healthier eating: portion size and eating calories in your weight loss range (which you can calculate on the website I gave) will help you lose weight quickly. You can also log your food consumption and activities every day on the site, as well as join the wonderful community of users all trying to lose weight like you! They re very supportive and have tons of recipes and such to try.In terms of exercise, start jogging 3-4 days a week for 30 minutes at a time. It s a great way to get some calories burned and stay fit. Listening to your favorite tunes makes the time go by quicker. You don t have to keep a pace that makes you huff and puff only a few minutes into your workout. Slow jogging works too!Good luck, and I hope you make your goal. You have to find the inner motivation to lose takes time and doesn t happen by itself (especially not on a diet of oatmeal and water)!!


Yup the oatmeal will expand and fill you up. Also I just got a recipe from someone. Put oatmeal in your hamburgers...helps absorb some of the grease but also fills you up faster.

Several years ago I wanted to lose weight and most mornings during the week I ate oatmeal which is very good for lowering your blood pressure or keeping it in a normal range. On Saturdays I usually ate eggs with bacon and enjoyed my fried potatoes and sometimes had biscuits. For lunch I usually ate a large salad with ham, turkey and cheese slices, an egg and half a tomato. On weekends I ate soup and salad or had a small meal.When I drove home after work, I ate an apple or a banana (alternated each day). Later that night I ate a small meal, sometimes just a baked potato or some vegetables.I gave up all bread or things with yeast (no pizza) and didn t eat any sugar at all. I lost 80 lbs in 10 months. Because of disabilities, I m not able to exercise so if you can do a 30 minute workout, 3 times a week, that will help kick up your metabolism and will also help firm you. Don t want to do too much or you build muscle and gain weight.Drink lots of water, drink 2 glasses of milk every day (need the calcium) and limit caffeine intake.

it ll help some what! but what you really need to do is get out of the house away from the computer and do somthing you like to do exercise or go for a 15 minute walk or run or maybe even go shopping all the walking is good. eat healthy cut down on some of the junk food drink water and juice 1 soda every weekend....if you do this you ll be losing weight the right way.

Don t worry about loosing weight fast...aim for 1 or 2 pounds a week and go it slow - that way, the results will be lasting! Remember, it took time to gain the weight, it s gonna take time to loose.Oatmeal would give you fiber and help lower your cholesterol. Fiber is a good thing, and would help you eliminate waste from the body.Drinking water does flush out the system and help carry waste and garbage out of the body - so drinking water any time would help.Either one would help (and not hurt) your success at loosing weight. However, I would use it in conjunction with lots of fruits and vegetables, exercise, portion control and not eating past 6pm.Good Luck!