Sunday, August 20, 2017

How to lose weight in one month? -

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run a mile+ everymorning and eat healthy.. lots of fruitsand try smaller meals, but more proteinexercise with ensure that weight stays off

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Please follow this method and i GUARANTEE you will lose quite a bit of weight in a month. Start off by cutting out un nutritional snacks, any snack that is packaged . ALWAYS eat a healthy breakfast. Eat 5-6 small meals a day, instead of 3 huge ones. This will boost your metaboulism. Eat things like nuts, tuna, chicken, celery, eggs and so on for great nutriton. I recommend on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, that you do bodyweight workouts ( pushups , lunges , bodyweight squats, crunches, situps). Or do those excersizes any day of the week but not consecutive days. Try to do this about 2-4 times a week based on your fitness level. on the days that you don t do bodyweight workouts ( or on the same days if you want ) do cardio. Either 30 minute jogs, or like 5 minute jog-5minute sprint-5 minute jog- 2 minute spring- 2 minute walk- all in one. You will guaranteed lose weight. I estimate about 10 lbs + if you stick to it